Bay Ridge Our Community
December 11, 2006 Board Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the BRCA Marina Clubhouse. Doug Vaughters chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Paul Behrends, Pam Jacobsen, Kurt Karsten, Monica Mount and Grahame Rice. The seven Board Members present constituted a quorum for the conduct of Pool Association business. General membership attendees included Gin Behrends.
Minutes Approved:
Gin Behrends moved, and Pam Jacobsen seconded a motion to waive the reading of, and approve (as posted on the BRPA web site) the minutes of the August 14, 2006 general membership meeting. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
Old Business:
BRPA Budget for CY 2007 – Grahame Rice presented the proposed budget for calendar year 2007. In the course of discussing the budget, the following items were addressed:
- New repairs – It was noted that the pool house will require some repairs. One of the bathroom doors on the second floor has been damaged and will require replacement. Grahame noted that the door repair can be covered under the current allocation for repairs.
- It was proposed that an oven be installed in the kitchen area. Dough Vaughters will investigate the possibility of a donated used oven. It was noted that the wiring would have to be done by a licensed electrician to ensure meeting the requirements of the building insurance policy. The electrical work is estimated to be about $500. Grahame Rice will add that amount to the budget.
- Monica Mount noted that we will need annual renewal stickers for the membership cards for the coming year. She has done some pricing on line, and determined that appropriate stickers will run about $200. She was authorized to proceed with the sticker procurement. Grahame Rice will add that amount to line item 7703 of the budget.
- Gin Behrends moved that “The 2007 Budget for the Pool Association be approved as amended at this meeting.” The motion was seconded by Grahame Rice and approved by a voice vote.
- The approved budget will be posted on the new BRPA web site.
Pool Passes – The means for ensuring only authorized users are admitted was discussed. Items addressed included:
- Doug Vaughters noted that the use of photo ID cards presents problems when used by the children. The cards get lost, or forgotten at home. The result is a delay in authorizing the children into the pool area.
- As an alternative, it was proposed that the gate guard have a notebook containing a sheet for each member household, listing the authorized members. On the back of the sheet would be printed the photos of those authorized members. Then, the guard would just have to go to the sheet and check the photo on the back of the page.
- It was noted that this new procedure would require new photos each year.
- The item was tabled for further consideration at a later date. In the meantime, we will continue with the current card system and annual update stickers.
BRPA Web Site – Paul Behrends reported that the new BRPA web site is up and running. Points of interest include:
- The address (url) for our web site is
- The move was predicated on the need to allow access to the BRPA pages to Pool Association members who are not residents of Bay Ridge.
- Separate user IDs and passwords are available for both Bay Ridge residents and the residents of Annapolis Cove. Efforts are being made to promulgate the access information to non Bay Ridge residents.
- The rental calendar is up to date, thanks to the efforts and kind assistance of Lisa Chmael.
- The old web pages on the BRCA website have been taken down. They have been replaced by an active link to the new web site.
Contract Issues – It was noted that the current pool management contract expires at the end of the year. The efforts required to place the contract up for competition were discussed. Items addressed included:
- Doug Vaughters noted that he has not received any proposals from alternate firms.
- It was noted that DRD has proposed to provide full gate coverage by increasing the number of lifeguards. It is the Board’s feeling that this approach would lead to an excessive number of guards on duty during slow periods (10-12AM; 7-8PM). The Board feels it is necessary that access be controlled during the full period of pool operation daily. The Board does not feel that this position requires a certified lifeguard.
- Kurt Karsten will address technical language details with DRD Management to resolve the outstanding issues.
New Business:
Maintenance Issues – Two items concerning locks and security were addressed. They were:
- Building door locks – It was noted that many of the locks on the doors do not work properly. It appears to be the result of the heavy usage they get. It is felt that they may need replacement. It is not certain that this would require a locksmith. The Board will investigate the feasibility of member labor replacing the locks.
- Gate locks – It has been regularly reported that the combination locks on the gates (building and parking lot) are extremely difficult to operate. In addition, it was noted that giving the renters the combination, any security for the facility is compromised. Paul Behrends proposed replacing the combination locks with standard key operated padlocks. To provide security, the keys to be given to renters would be “Do Not Duplicate” keys. The combination locks could be retained for use by Board members or other BRPA members having a need to access the facility. This item was tabled for more consideration.
Membership Drive – The need to start the membership renewal process was discussed. Items addressed included:
- The goal is to have membership established by April.
- In order to do this, the BRPA needs to publish renewal invoices by February.
- The Board would like to actively extend membership to our neighbors in Annapolis Cove. As a first step in this effort, Kurt Karsten will draft a letter to be sent to all Annapolis Cove residents inviting them to join the Association.
Meeting Schedule:
The schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:
- Board Meeting – Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Pool Management Contract Signing
- General Meeting – Monday, 9 April 2007.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 7:51 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary