January 4, 2005 – Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:40 PM at Grahame Rice’s residence. The meeting was chaired by Vice President, Jeff Bach. Board Members present included: Bill Cable, Grahame Rice, Tom Stuckey and Carlene Cassidy.

Minutes Approved

The minutes of the November 2, 2004 meeting were approved.

Treasurers Report

Grahame reviewed the 2004 expenditures and the proposed 2005 budget that had been circulated to the entire board. After a thorough discussion several changes were suggested and adopted and the budget was approved by the Board. Financial Report is attached (in Adobe Acrobat format).

Old Business

  • Carlene will present the proposed changes to pool use rules to a Membership meeting at the February general membership meeting.
  • Jeff, Grahame and Kevin developed a post closing work list to be circulated to the membership for a work day and will estimate associated costs to prioritize the schedule for completion.
  • Jeff reviewed the finalized 2005 DRD contract which includes DRD employees as gate guards.

New Business

  • During the budget discussions the Board reviewed the fee schedule for use of the facility and agreed to increases for the next season. These will be presented at the February membership meeting.
  • Jeff will assemble his marketing team to develop renewal packages for Bay Ridge and Annapolis Cove as well as a information piece to go into the BRCA welcome baskets and an invitation for non pool members to join in 2005.
  • Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Bill Cable, Secretary