July 18, 2012 Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the BRPA Clubhouse. The President, Bill Thomas chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Bill Thomas, Kurt Karsten, Pam Jacobsen, Jeff Gilbert.
The Board Members attending represent a quorum which allows the board to conduct formal business.

Reading of the Minutes – The reading of the minutes of the 13 June 2012 Board meeting was waived because the meeting minutes were reviewed by the board via email, and the corrected version has been posted on the BRPA web site.


Trespass Issues – The meeting began with a brief follow-up discussion regarding the Breaking & Entering/Trespass of the pool on July 3rd. Items addressed during the discussion included:

  • Kurt Karsten drafted letters to each of the trespasser’s and submitted for review.
  • Board agreed to send the letters to each trespasser accused. Bill Thomas will send Certified Return Receipt US Mail and a copy to each parent.
  • There was some discussion as to the liability we continue to take-on as trespassers continue to access the pool after hours. Do we beef-up the fencing, post more signage, add cameras etc?
  • Bill Thomas will also notify officer Olds in writing to reiterate plan of action upon finding trespassers again on pool property (complete a Police Report, follow-up phone call/notification to Board member)

Board Member Terms – Bill Thomas requested a review of each board members term as we really should not be just adding members without a vote and a term assigned. The process should be per the By Laws and allow others to participate in placing members and voting on new members. Kurt Karsten reviewed past year’s minutes and each board member was assigned a term with expiration. Members can choose to remain on the board for additional terms. Titles of responsibility were also assigned to chair certain areas of need within the Pool Board. They are as follows:

Term Expires April 2014
Bill Thomas President
Kurt Karsten Vice President/Legal
Sherrie Kelley Treasurer
Morgan Wells Security
Jeff Gilbert Entertainment/Recreation
Term Expires April 2013
Jay Green Facilities/Maintenance
Steve O’Hare Fundraising/Membership
Paul Behrends Secretary
Parker Jones Social/Party Coordinator
Kathleen Randolph Swim Team/Camp
Ex Officio/Non-Voting Members
Bruce Reiter Annapolis Cove/IT – Website (Term Expires: April 2013)
Dan Phelps Annapolis Cove/Social Media (Term Expires: April 2014)
Pam Jacobsen Ex-Officio member/past president (Term Expires: April 2013

Party/Pool Equipment – Items discussed included:

  • Bill Thomas stated that the margarita machine was picked-up by an authorized service company for Stoelting equipment. An estimate will be created to determine if the machine is worth fixing.
  • DRD requested to remove broken metal lounge chair currently stored next to building behind grill areas.

Video Surveillance – Jeff Gilbert discussed the status of the video surveillance system.

  • He reported that the cameras are once again operational.
  • A new DVR was received under the existing warranty. As a resul of the recent break-ins, it was suggested that  more cameras be added, including some ‘dummy’ cameras on light poles at outer edge of the pool area.
  • Next objective is to put a link on the website so members can view the pool ‘live’ and anyone can check status of pool on the website.

BRPA Membership Categories – The question of partial year membership for recently arrived residents was discussed. Items addressed included:

  • This proposed membership category would apply to families who move-in to either BR or AC after July 15th and wish to join the pool, and would apply for NEW families only.
  • New Family Annual Membership is $500 for both AC and BR.
  • This membership category would provide full membership privileges, and would be valid for only the current season. For the second season, the New Family members would be required to purchase either an “Annual Membership” or a “Regular Membership.

Motion: It was moved that “The Board approve a new type of  one season non-renewable family membership for families who move into BRPA areas after 15 July, for the remainder of the calendar year.  The Motion was approved by a voice vote.

Bill Thomas will create a chart showing different types of membership, costs and dates of expiration for both Annapolis Cove and Bay Ridge residents.

Financial and Membership Status – The Board conducted a brief review of financials and memberships to date. Items addressed included:

  • In the financial area, It was noted that we should be looking at reducing our mortgage interest rate and review our CD rates for better investment of our monies in capital accounts.
  • It was noted that the BR memberships are now above budget (150) at 152 (34% of all homes are members).
  • Bill Thomas noted that a few more BR memberships are coming. Good news after some lobbying of former members and new families in the neighborhood. AC memberships are down to 56 this year from 62 (only 25% of AC residents are members).
  • Bill Thomas would like to ask our AC board members to review the list of current members vs. potential homes to seek new members and new ideas to market the pool to Annapolis Cove residents.

DRD Liaison – Pam Jacobsen reported on semi-weekly meeting with DRD. Items addressed included:
There was a complaint of music too late during the swim-a-thon from a BR resident. Reminded the board that loud music should be over by 11:00PM for evening parties.

Three DRD guards have been terminated in last few weeks for various reasons.

There was an accident on the diving board by Daisy Overmyer. She fell off the back of the board while talking to her sister and hit her head and neck. An EMT/ambulance was called and patient was transported to emergency room. Follow-up call made to family. Patient was okay. Bill Thomas asked Pam to report to DRD the following:

  • change the reporting tree to Pam, then Bill T.
  • reminder to check and remove the trash each night – especially upstairs
  • call board member before closing pool for any reason

Proposed Improvements – Bill Thomas shared a sketch of a proposed entertainment/play pavilion. Details included:

  • The proposed pavilion would be built in the grass area adjacent to the parking lot.
  • Its use would be for the annual BR play, small music concerts, movies, etc.
  • Funds to build the pavilion would be 100% privately raised.
  • BRCA must approve also as it would sit on their land.
  • Bill Thomas noted that it has been passed to a contractor for pricing.

All were interested in the pavilion and thought it was a good idea to move forward.

BRPA Pool Parties – It was noted that the final pool season party will be a Luau with pig roast. It will be scheduled for Saturday, September 8th, 4:00PM – 10:00PM. Parker, Jeff and Steve will be co-chairs. Pam suggested we open final party to all membership.

Fund Raising Efforts – The proposed list of fundraising activities approved at the 13 July BRPA Board meeting was discussed. Items addressed included:
Turkey Trott – This will be a foot race in Bay Ridge.  It was agreed that Steve and Parker would chair the Turkey Trott run set for Thanksgiving Day, 2012.
Engraved Tile Sales – These tiles would be installed on the back wall.

  • Kurt Karsten agreed to chair or champion the engraved tile sales for the back wall.
  • Bill Thomas will measure the wall and determine the number of available tiles for sale.
  • The Board agreed that tiles will be engraved, not painted. Cobalt blue to match tile around pool.

Sale of Additional Charter Memberships – This is the potential sale of 10 new Charter memberships at roughly $5,000 each.

  • It was suggested by Kurt that we offer 5 new Charters at $7,500 each for about $38k in revenue. These would expire at the same time as the current Charters with a life of 15 years and are transferrable as are the current Charters.
  • Bill Thomas will begin marketing with next month’s newsletter.
  • It was once again noted that Regular membership pool bonds are transferrable but not refundable.
  • Pam Jacobsen agreed to head the reconciliation of the Charter membership list. Will get with Bill to determine course of action.

Motion:  It was moved that “the Board approve the offering for sale new Charter memberships.” The motion was approved by a voice vote.

Pool Maintenance – It was noted that loose stones at top of wall at the bay end of the pool need to be fixed.

Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul O. Behrends
BRPA Secretary