June 8, 2010 Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:15 pm at the BRCA Marina Clubhouse. The President, Grahame Rice, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Pam Jacobsen, Kurt Karsten, Monica Mount, Kathleen Randolph, Jeff Gilbert, and Bill Thomas. Paul Behrends, Bruce Reiter (Marlins Swim Team Representative and Gin Behrends (BRCA Board Liaison) were also present. A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business.

Old Business

New BRPA Officials – As outgoing President, Grahame Rice introduced the new BOD Officers:    

  • President:  Pam Jacobsen
  • Vice President: Bill Thomas
  • Secretary: Paul Behrends
  • Legal Representative: Kurt Karsten
  • Facility and Grounds Maintenance:  Jeff Gilbert
  • Pool Maintenance, Party Social Chairman, Outgoing President:  Grahame Rice
  • Security:  Morgan Wells
  • ID and Gate Guard Procedures:  Monica Mount
  • Pool Facilities Rentals: Paul Behrends
  • Swim Team Representative, Day Camp Rep: Kathleen Randolph
  • Annapolis Cove Rep, Web Membership Maintenance (non-voting member:   Bruce Reiter

At this point, Pam Jacobsen assumed the chair for the meeting.

Pool Season

Pam Jacobsen addressed various points on the pool season.  These included:

Pool Parties

  • Opening Day – Opening day went very well.  It was well attended, and seemed well received by all there.
  • Pool Party Format  – The format for the subsequent pool parties was discussed.  It was decided that the BRPA would provide hot dogs and hamburgers, and beverages.  Jeff Gilbert suggested that the Board may want to give consideration to arranging with various take-out facilities to provide a discount to orders to be delivered to the pool on pool party nights.
  • Entertainment – The providing of musical entertainment for the pool parties was discussed.  It was noted that artists who previously provided music are now truly professional, and their fees make them unavailable.  Of immediate concern is the 26 June party.  No local musicians have agreed to provide the music for that party.  It was noted that Bruce Reiter’s portable sound system provided music for the opening day party with some success.

Friday Rental Conflicts

Paul Behrends noted that a possible problem exists as a result of the late closing (9pm) on Friday evenings.

  • The Pool Rental Guidelines state that the facility can not be rented while the pool is open for general membership use, a Friday evening rental of the party room can not start until 9pm.
  • While the Rental Guidelines also consider Friday to be a prime rental, it seems unreasonable to charge $200 for a 3 hour rental.
  • Paul Behrends further noted that there were no Friday evening rentals last pool season; however, there is always the possibility of future conflicts.
  • After discussion Jeff Gilbert moved that the Board allow Paul Behrends to rent the “party room” for parties not involving the pool starting at 8pm on Friday evenings.  The motion was seconded and passed by a voice vote.

Membership Status

Grahame Rice discussed the current status of membership renewals. He also noted that renewal payments are coming in steadily.  The current overall numbers are in line with the performance from previous years:

  • Charter Members:   71
  • Regular (Bay Ridge): 140
  • Regular (Annapolis Cove): 48
  • Single Membership:  4

Kurt Karsten noted that regular and charter memberships can be transferred to a new resident when one leaves the community.  The BRPA has a real need to be able to track and document these transfers to ensure that memberships are valid. Grahame Rice indicated that most of the data resides in either the BRPA Quickbooks account or in supporting paperwork.  It is incumbent on the Association that these transfer paths be fully documented.  Kurt Karsten has recreated the original and current list of Charter Members and will work with Sherrie Kelly to document a complete listing of past and present Regular members for Bay Ridge in order to track membership transfers.

Kurt Karsten provided background on BRPA membership requirements invoked by the County when the pool was built.  He noted that the Bay Ridge resident membership would be inadequate to make the pool viable.  Although the county would allow us to bring in outside members, it placed two restrictions on such memberships:

  • Management of the BRPA required Bay Ridge residency. The Board of Directors can not have voting members who are not Bay Ridge Residents.
  • Not more than 45% of dues income can come from members who are not residents of Bay Ridge.

Under these conditions, the BRPA may theoretically enlist membership from adjacent communities other than Annapolis Cove, however, because of the sentiment of the community at the time the Pool was built, the BRPA Bylaws were set up to allow only membership from Bay Ridge and Annapolis Cove and any expansion of the membership beyond that would require Amendment of the Bylaws.

Pool Facility Security

Jeff Gilbert reported on his investigation into the feasibility of providing surveillance video coverage of the facility. His findings include:

  • He has found a reasonably priced video surveillance kit ( ~$ 500) at Sam’s Club.
  • The kit only includes hardware, and does not include installation.  Jeff will need assistance in installing the system.  Location of the cameras and the recording/monitoring equipment remains undefined at this time.
  • Discussion also addressed the problems of running the cables from the cameras to the monitoring equipment.
  • Kurt Karsten noted that the Marina’s video surveillance system does provide some deterrent value; however image resolution does not allow easy identification of individuals.
  • It was moved by Kurt Karsten to proceed with the procurement and installation of  a video surveillance system at the pool.  The motion was seconded and passed with a voice vote.

Use Of Pool By Unauthorized Individuals

Kathleen Randolph described a situation which she recently encountered.  She observed an individual, who used to be a Bay Ridge resident (and member of the BRPA), using the pool. When Kathleen approached the individual and advised that she was not authorized to use the pool, the individual indicated that she still held a regular membership, and would continue to use the pool. It should be noted that the membership has not been paid up for the last 2 years. This individual has been advised that she is not eligible to use the pool several times last year.  Bill Thomas noted that he was familiar with the situation and would discuss it with the offending individual

New Business

Solar Energy Project

Kurt Karsten briefed the board on the proposed Solar Energy project for the pool being proposed by the BRCA Green Energy Committee.  Items addressed included:

  • It has been noted that the pergola over the “kiddie” pool needs to be replaced.
  • Since a major cost item for the operation of the pool is power to run the pool’s main circulating pump, the BRCA Green Energy Committee has proposed using the replacement pergola as a support for a photo-voltaic solar power array to replace a portion of the energy bought from BG&E..
  • The energy cost avoidance would be a major expense reduction for the BRPA.
  • Kurt Karsten noted that the Green Energy Committee has invited the two major candidates to make the installation to discuss their proposals with the BRPA general membership on Thursday, 10 June 2010.
  • Details of the Green Energy Committee’s financial plan for the array installation were discussed at the meeting.

Meeting Schedule

The official schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:

  • General Meeting – Monday, 9 August at the BRCA Marina clubhouse.
  • Board Meeting – Tuesday June 29 at the BRPA Pool.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary