Annapolis Cove Pool Membership

Benefits of Annapolis Cove Pool membership include:  ability to rent the pool clubhouse, participate in the winter boat storage program, take part in Master’s, Novice Master’s, Water Aerobics for adults, and attend all BRPA-sponsored events. BRCA and BRPA currently maintain a policy allowing BRPA members who are not Bay Ridge residents incidental use of the beach directly in front of the pool (2 Herndon beach) in connection with use of the pool during pool hours (i.e. a brief break from the pool visit).  Note that this policy does not convey access to other Bay Ridge beaches.

A. Annapolis Cove FAMILY Membership – Family membership includes up to 6 family members for access to the pool, with 2 free guests per day.  Family member children may join the Marlin’s Swim Team. Members must be direct family members, but may include a babysitter or a sponsored midshipman. 

B. Annapolis Cove COUPLE Membership – This option is for two adults only.  

C. Annapolis Cove SINGLE Membership – This option is for one adult only. 

Log on to BayRidgeMembership to choose your membership category, enter member information and pay by either check or credit card. Checks should be payable to BRPA (Bay Ridge Pool Association, Inc) and mailed or dropped of to the mailbox at 2 Herndon Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403.