Pool Party: The Challenge is ON!

volleyCalling all volleyball players in Bay Ridge and Annapolis Cove! Our Saturday, July 12 pool party will feature an in-water volleyball match – Bay Ridge vs. Annapolis Cove. That’s right. Game on!

Party starts at 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM and the match will be at 8:00 PM. The pool will supply the net, ball, and water—now we need you to play on Bay Ridge’s team!

To all members: this is a potluck party, so please bring a dish to share. The pool will provide burgers, hot dogs, beer and wine. We look forward to a great evening – and match!

A quick housekeeping note:
This time of year, many of us like to host what are called POOL SIDE parties at the pool. That’s one of the privileges of membership to be able to bring a group of family and friends to the pool, share a meal, cocktails and swim, etc. Please know that there are some simple rules that MUST be followed in order to host a pool side party. They are as follows:

  • Host must complete the Rental Application and turn it in to the Rental Coordinator (all can be found on the website at www.bayridge.org/pool)
  • All pool side parties may not be more than 20 total guests and members (more than 20 is not permitted based on our pool Rules & Regulations)
  • A guest list must be provided to the Rental Coordinator prior to the party of all guests by name
  • The only cost to a pool side party is guest fees of $3.00 per guest for the host

It is important to note that the requirement to limit the size of the party and notification to the Rental Coordinator is to assure that we have enough life guard coverage for your party and other members using the pool during the time of your party (there is a limit to 3 such parties at one time at the pool). The reservation allows for proper guard staffing in the event it is needed.

So, GAME ON! Hope to see everyone at the pool on Saturday, July 12th at 5:00 PM.

For information about the pool, please contact Bill Thomas at wbtperk@verizon.net.

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