Bay Ridge Our Community
I think we’re all feeling it. Inspired. Optimistic. It’s like our sensibilities have been jump-started with the advent of spring and, moreover, the excitement from our event last week.
When you think about it, what can be more inspiring than coming together to make things happen—collectively? Everyone doing their own part, providing their own talents or resources—or simply braving a pool party in the snow (!)—for a good cause?
Bay Ridge! In keeping with history, we’ve proven it again—we’re a united force capable of accomplishing great things.
And guess what? We’re keeping the party going.
Not a pool party this time, not a fundraiser—but a truly innovative idea has been hatched that will give residents the opportunity to do some profound good for Bay Ridge. Hint: it involves our most valuable resource–our environment. And its fun. And free. Stay tuned—more info to follow shortly on this.
For those who haven’t seen the pool photos yet, below is a nice gallery of pics snapped by a frozen-fingered, good-hearted Mark Rubin.
And while we’re at it, let’s back up a second for some proper thanks. Bill Thomas! Amazing concept, leadership and efforts from start to finish. Meredith Van de Kamp–your creative fingerprints touched every aspect of this event. Astounding. Jocelyn Willliams! Meredith Howe, Mary Snowden, the Family Van Nest, Kelsa McLaughlin, Judy Gonsalves, Jay Greene, David Van de Kamp, Cindy Wells, Tom Osborn, Tim Jaeger, Steve O’hare, Renee Rubin.. and every generous donor for the action items from BR residents. And all 300 people for buying tickets, coming and making it great.
It’s awesome.
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