BRCA Board Elections are Monday 4/14

Bay Ridge Community–

Below, please find the slate for Monday night’s Board vote at the April 14th General Meeting starting at 8PM. This slate has been created by the Nominating Committee. You will be voting for 5 new members.

Head to the Bay Ridge marina clubhouse Monday 4/14 at 8 pm to vote.

2014 BRCA Board Slate V1 (1). (PDF of new slate)

A little background is below (for those of us new to this process), pulled from the bylaws:

  • The Board of Directors shall be composed of ten directors elected by the membership, and the immediate past president who serves for one year following his/her term of office.
  • The Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of the Association members present at the April meeting. A Director shall serve a two-year term and is eligible for re-election.
  • At the April Association meeting, additional nominations shall be permitted from the floor with the consent of those nominated.
  • The Directors, before the Association meeting in May, shall elect, from among the Directors and by majority vote, a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be installed at the Association meeting in May. No director shall serve more than two consecutive years in the same office.
  • Membership dues must be paid in order to vote*. No person shall have more than one vote, nor shall one membership qualify more than two persons to vote. Persons must be 18 years or older to vote.

* Membership checks go to Cheryl Lytle at 78 Farragut Road. If you are unsure about your membership status, contact Cheryl at

Feel free to browse this list of current board of directors, that outlines which positions are up for election.

Full bylaws can be viewed here. (PDF)

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