Community Upkeep


Ongoing efforts the BRCA undertakes to keep Bay Ridge shipshape include:

  • Maintaining the marina clubhouse and parking, playground, and basketball court
  • Contracting out for general beach and common area cleanup
  • Maintaining Kass Park field
  • Providing dumpsters for do-it-yourself cleanups and volunteer day beach cleanups
  • Issuing decals to identify what boats belong on Bay Ridge beaches
  • Arranging with the Department of Natural Resources to remove abandoned boats
  • Participating in Operation Clearwater to monitor Severn River and Lake Ogleton water quality
  • Stewardship of the Big Woods
  • Mosquito control

The BRCA also partners with the BRCA Pier Committee to:

  • Manage the marina and dinghy racks
  • Administer rules governing leasing and use of boat slips and moorings

We always need volunteers to coordinate efforts and contribute some time.

Yes, I can help! (button hyperlinks to “events” or “volunteer sign-up” page)

Join the BRCA (hyperlinks to BRCA membership page/form)