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The Commons Committee

The Commons Committee is dedicated to maintaining all Bay Ridge Common Areas. To get involved, contact the Committee Chairperson listed below:

Committee Chairperson
Bill Thomas, 410-271-9445


Int_Image_commonschairsThe Commons Committee and the BRCA Board ask that by November 30th items such as plastic chairs, tubs of toys, coolers, wrought iron furniture, umbrellas, grills, etc. be removed from the beaches for the winter and stored at the owner’s residence.  Items left on the beach after November 30th will be removed.

The following policy was adopted by the Bay Ridge Community Association at the BRCA Board meeting on June 29, 2010.  The policy pertains to “stuff” you own and leave unattended on the Bay Ridge Beaches.   The policy requires that you mark your stuff– water toys, toys, grills, chairs, umbrellas, etc. — with your last name and address. Permanent marker pen, stencil or even a weather resistant tag is acceptable to the commons committee.

“If you would not display property left on the commons area proudly in the middle of your front yard, do not put it on display by leaving it unattended on our waterfront or beaches. If you leave property unattended on community owned property, please mark it with your name and address – otherwise the community will consider it abandoned property for potential removal. The community reserves the right to require that property be removed from the commons areas.

Also, all boats left on the beaches must be registered.  Please take care to winterize your crafts by making sure they are turned over to prevent water buildup (and spring mosquitoes) and that all sails are removed and stored at the owner’s residence as well as any personal property stored on the boats.”

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The Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is appointed annually by the BRCA President at the February meeting. This committee is comprised of three or more BRCA Members and established for the purpose of identifying and nominating at least one individual to stand for election for each available Board opening.

The names of Nominating Committee members are announced at the March meeting. The Bylaws require that the Nominating Committee provide a slate to the Board at its March meeting and announce that slate in the April issue of the Bay Ridge Newsletter.

Elected board members serve for two-years. Candidates must have been dues paying, BRCA members in the year previous to their election. They can run for subsequent terms. Open and independent minds are two most important traits. In addition to two meetings monthly, board members are encouraged to play an active role in one or two committees that the community maintains. Bylaws say that individual may only serve two consecutive years in any office (i.e.: President, Treasurer, Vice President or Secretary).

If you would like to get involved with the Nominating Committee or if you have a neighbor who you feel shows the willingness, integrity and drive it takes to be a part of the BRCA Board, please contact our current BRCA President listed on the BRCA Contacts page.

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The Finance Committee

Finance Committee Chairperson
Renee Montgomery, BRCA Treasurer

Tom Ervin, Bill Cable, Ray Van Horn, Bill Thomas, John Vogle, Bill Davidson

• Assist BRCA treasurer
• Assist, prepare and review all BRCA budgets
• Review BRCA operating results
• Provide investment oversight on BRCA funds
• Annual review of all BRCA insurance policies
• Provide financial advice and guidance for BRCA operations

[/tab][tab title=”HOME & GARDEN”]Current Committee Chairperson
Susan Swayze, 410-267-1617[/tab][/tabs]