February 14, 2012 Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 8:00 PM at the BRCA Marina Club House. The President, Pam Jacobsen, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Pam Jacobsen, Jeff Gilbert,  Jay Green, Bill Thomas and Paul Behrends. The five Board Members attending did not represent a quorum  which prevented the board from conducting formal business.  The result was a series of informal discussions with no formal motions entertained.

Reports – No formal reports were presented at the meeting.

Informal Discussions – The following informal discussions were held by the board members present.

Member Health Issues – As was noted at the 14 September Board meeting, the board received a letter from the Cashman family addressing a health issue with a member of the family.  Their son has serious food allergies, but especially allergy to peanuts.  Pam Jacobsen provided an update on the issue.  Points addressed included:

  • The family will prepare and publish a letter discussing their son’s health issues, and asking for the community’s support
  • The family will provide an epipen for treating their son’s inadvertent exposure to allergens. DRD will assume custody and accountability for an EpiPen to be used by the son if he has an event.  It was noted that DRD personnel are trained in the use of the EpiPen. DRD has indicted that It will  store  the EpiPen with the pool’s automatic defibrillator.
  • BRPA will post signs indicating that the pool facility is a nut-aware facility.  This is not intended to prohibit the introduction of nut products into the facility.

Emergency Aid – Pam Jacobsen noted that she has signed a rental agreement for an Automatic External Defibrillator. This agreement will cover maintenance of the AED and annual renewal of the service.

Master’s Swim Program – Jeff Gilbert discussed the status of the master’s swim program.  Points addressed included:

  • Last year, the program was essentially fully subscribed.  Any significant growth in the participation would result in less swimming because of pool lane crowding.
  • As a result  it would be counter-productive to mount an advertizing campaign for new swimmers.
  • The group is considering adding a morning swim session from 9 to 10 am.  In the course of discussion, it was noted that such a program would require an addition of another lifeguard to cover the session.
  • Jeff also noted that the group is actively pursuing the addition of an adult water aerobics class (or aqua-zumba).  There has been some interest expressed, and the group is searching for qualified teachers.

Bay Ridge Marlins Swim Team – Jeff Gilbert reported that he has not heard yet of swim team plans for the season, other than the schedule home swim meets ( 16, 23, 30 June and 7, 14 July).  The practice schedule remains to be finalized.

Pool Access Control – Jeff Gilbert discussed his research into access control computer software. Items addressed included:

  • Bruce Reiter has offered to set up (pro-bono) an on-line pool check in system.
  • The only cost would be for a tablet computer to serve as the check in work station.
  • Jeff Gilbert will pursue this matter more fully with Bruce Reiter.

BRPA Pool Parties – Pam Jacobsen noted that the BRPA pool parties for:

  • 17 March: St. Patrick’s Day Fund Raiser (at the Marina Club House)
  • 26 May:  Opening Day Party
  • 7 July:  Mid Summer Party
  • 16 September: Closing Day Party

Facility Maintenance –  A number of maintenance related items were discussed.  They included:

  • Building Structural Repairs – The full scope of the required repairs remains to be defined.  The initial phase of this effort is an “open and Inspect” process to define the full scope of the expected work.   Although the full scope of work is not known Bill Thomas noted that a reasonable estimate for the anticipated structural repairs on the front of the second floor of the pool house will be in the range of $25K. 

The demolition related to the open and inspect is underway.  Bill noted that the contractor will be installing OSHA compliant fences on the second floor.  However, with the work in progess, the facility is not really  well suited for parties.  Bill Thomas estimates that the repairs may take at least a month.

  • Erosion Problem – Bill Thomas noted that the erosion being experienced by the board walk to the beach has been investigated by representatives of BRCA (Joe Mensch, Mike Drum, and Bill Davidson).  They have prepared a proposed fix.  This fix has not been priced at this time.  The board will pursue getting pricing for the repairs.  It is anticipated that this will be  a shared expense with the BRCA.

Meeting Schedule:
The official schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:

  • General  Meeting –Monday, May 8, 2012 at the BRCA Marina clubhouse.
  • Board Meeting – Tuesday  13 March 2012 at the BRPA Pool.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary