Nominating Committee is announced & receiving nominations for open board positions

A Nominating Committee, comprised of Paul Behrends, Dale Hutchins and Diana Rode, has been convened to nominate at least one candidate for every opening on the BRCA Board of Directors. This committee is appointed annually by the BRCA President at the February meeting and is comprised of three or more BRCA Members. It is established for the purpose of identifying and nominating at least one individual to stand for election for each available Board opening.

The Nominating Committee must present its slate at the BRCA Board of Directors meeting at the end of March. The elections will be held at the April General Membership Meeting.

Call for Board Member Nominations
If you have a neighbor who you feel shows the willingness, integrity and drive it takes to be a part of the BRCA Board — please review the following description and contact the Nominating Committee per the instructions below. The committee is now accepting nominees. Nominees will be accepted over the course of the next three weeks, concluding on 3/14.

Board Member Requirements

  • Elected board members serve for two years.
  • Candidates must have been dues-paying, BRCA members in the year previous to their election.
  • They can run for subsequent terms.
  • Open and independent minds are two most important traits.

Board Member Responsibilities

  • The over-arching role of a board member is to help serve the community by serving as both community advocate and advisor. Understanding and identifying community issues, listening to its residents and helping forge new plans for improvement are among some of the key responsibilities.
  • In addition to participating in two meetings monthly, board members are encouraged to play an active role in one or two committees that the community maintains.
  • Bylaws say that individual may only serve two consecutive years in any office (i.e.: President, Treasurer, Vice President or Secretary).

How To Nominate a Candidate
If you’ve got someone in mind who fits the criteria above, please email the nominating committee at the email addresses below. Phone is also available, if preferred (you may contact any of the three names listed).

Please include as short explanation (a few bullet points will do) as to why you recommend this resident for the position, and 1-2 sentences outlining his or her background. The Nominating Committee will then be in touch with you for further details and next steps.

Diana Rode 443-336-1611
Dale Hutchins 410-268-1986
Paul Behrends 410.263.0393

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