October 11, 2011 Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 8:05 PM at the BRPA Pool House. The President, Pam Jacobsen, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Pam Jacobsen,  Jay Green, Sherrie Kelley, Bill Thomas and Kurt Karsten. Also in attendance were:  Sue Russell (counsel) and Bruce Reiter (Annapolis Cove representative). The Board Members attending represent a quorum  which will allow the board to conduct formal business.

Reading of the Minutes – The minutes of the 14 September meeting were read by the Secretary. Corrections were offered and will be incorporated in the final version which will be  posted on the BRPA web site.
Motion:  Kurt Karsten moved that “The minutes, as corrected be accepted by the Board”.  The motion was seconded by Jay Green and passed with a voice vote.

Financial Report –  Sherrie Kelley provided the Treasurer’s  report a copy of which is attached to these minutes and will be separately posted on the BRPA web site. In the course of discussion of the report the  financial items addressed included:

  • The report shows an operating loss for the current quarter to date of $26,877.50. Of this loss, $20,500 is depreciation, resulting in a net operating loss of $6,377.50.  The projected loss for the calendar year is $16,085.48 (which includes $20,500 depreciation), or a net gain for the year of $4,414.52.  It was noted that handling depreciation in the  budget is a problem.
  • Jay Green raised a question on the method of accounting used.  He suggested that an “accrual” approach would allow for better planning of expenditures. However, it was noted that the BRPA currently is using (and has been using since its creation) a “cash flow” approach to accounting.  Sherrie Kelley offered to have a meeting to discuss and resolve this issue at her house on 1 November.
  • Bill Thomas noted that the Board needs to establish an identified separate reserve fund.  Sherrie noted that the BRPA reserves for capital expenditures are currently set aside in certificates of deposit.

Rentals – Issues related to pool facility rentals discussed included:

  • Jay Green noted that expected repair/construction work on the pool house could impact rentals.  He asked for an up to date schedule of rentals so that he can plan his work.  Paul Behrends agreed to provide the information to the Board.
  • Pam Jacobsen has established an ad hoc committee to review the rental guidelines and rental costs. The committee membership includes: Pam Jacobson, Bill Thomas, and Paul Behrends.  The first meeting of the committee will be on 20 October 2011, location TBD.

Member Health Issues – As was noted at the 14 September Board meeting, the board received a letter from the Cashman family addressing a health issue with a member of the family.  Their son has serious food allergies, but especially allergy to peanuts.  Research on the issue by Kurt Karsten and Bill Thomas is continuing. Kurt Karsten and Bill Thomas plan on meeting with the Cashman family to explore the issue with them.

Hurricane Irene Clean Up – Pam Jacobsen discussed community efforts to clean up the beach debris resulting from Hurricane Irene. During the discussion, the following items were addressed:

  • It was noted that there are several very large tree trunks on the beaches near the pool.  These trunks are so large as to require heavy equipment to remove.  It is  presumed that the county will provide that assistance.
  • Smaller branches, etc. are being stacked on the beach or put in the dumpsters.  Bill Thomas indicated that there is at least one dumpster still in the community.
  • Kurt Karsten noted that his daughter’s school (Key School) will be holding a bonfire this Friday evening on the Bay Ridge Beaches.  It was suggested that the location for the bonfire be moved to the “pool beach” area.  It is presumed that this bonfire  will not be large enough to require a permit.
  • Pam Jacobsen requested that those available come out Saturday and help in the continuing beach cleanup operation.

Membership Status – Pam Jacobsen briefly discussed the need for a review of membership status in the BRPA.  Items addressed included:

  • In at least one instance, an individual erroneously thought that the family had a Charter membership, when in fact, the membership category was “Regular”.  When this family rented their house for a short period of time, the renter was advised that the home had a “Charter” membership, which did not require the payment of any dues.  The renting family then used the pool facility on what was an expired membership.
  • As a result of this and other similar incidents, Pam Jacobsen is proposing a review of the status of all memberships. Kurt Karsten noted that he had accomplished such a review for Charter members, and requested that he be a part of the continuing review.
  • In addition, it was noted that the paperwork to allow either temporary or permanent transfer of transferrable memberships (Charter and Regular) are not fully adequate for the use intended.  The temporary transfer forms do not explicitly include the return of the membership to the original owner.
  • An ad hoc committee to conduct the membership review was established.  The current members are: Sherrie Kelley, Diana Rode, Parker Jones and Kurt Karsten.  Their first meeting date remains to be defined.

Facility Maintenance –  A number of maintenance related items were discussed.  They included:

  • Pool Repairs – A continuing problem with the main pool is that new Federal Regulations will require either elimination or modification of the pool equalizers. The proposed approach is to delete the poolside equalizers.  This will involve significant pool edge modifications.  As a result of these required modifications, the BPRA is giving consideration to accomplishing additional repair work to the pools at the same time. In order to meet the time requirements of the County and the Federal rules this work would need to be accomplished before the start of the 2013 season.

Bill Thomas noted that the pools appear to be in need of repair of their plaster surfaces.  In the course of discussion, the board’s consensus was that it would be better to do a complete replaster of the pools rather than spot repairs.
DRD has commented that the pools need resurfacing.  It should be noted that outside contractors have indicated that resurfacing of the pools is not an urgent need at this time.  The estimated life of the pool plaster is between 12 and 20 years.

Any large scale replastering would include a complete emptying of the pool and immediate refilling after completion of the plastering. This would involve a significant cost to provide immediate filling of the main pool.

Bill Thomas has a firm fixed price estimate (approximately $4,000) from Olympia Pools (the original builder of our pools) to repair the baby pool. This would be a complete replastering of the baby pool.
Motion: Kurt Karsten moved that “The Board continue to pursue accomplishing a complete replastering of the baby pool as an urgent issue.”  The motion was seconded by Jay Green and passed with a voice vote.

  • Structural Repairs to the Pool House – Repair of the pool house structure was discussed. The full scope of the required repairs remains to be defined.  The initial phase of this effort will be an “open and Inspect” process to define the full scope of the expected work.  Bill Thomas noted that a contract for this phase has not been signed at this date. As a result, no schedule for the work or cost estimates have been prepared. The contractor has not yet been selected.
  • Sump pump repairs – Jay Green noted that the back flush sumps require the removal of sludge from their bottoms.  This sludge is simply dirt/sand which was carried over from back flushing the pool filter system.
  • Parking Lot Repairs – It was noted that the parking lot has developed some rather significant pot holes as a result of the unusually heavy rains we have recently experienced.  The pot holes represent a personnel and vehicular hazard. Morgan Wells has proposed using gravel. stone and dirt to fill these pot holes.   During the discussion, Jay Green proposed using the back flush sump sludge as at least a part of the repair material for these pot holes.

Fire Safety Inspection – The AA County Fire Marshall made a final inspection of the pool facility on 20 August 2011.  At that time all outstanding violations had been corrected, and cleared.

Upcoming Events – Pam Jacobsen identified a number of upcoming events for the board’s action. These included:

  • Bylaw Review – Bill Thomas has been tasked with leading this effort.  An initial meeting of the ad hoc bylaws review committee is scheduled for 25 October.
  • Membership Status – A review of actual member category (Charter, Regular, Annual, etc.) In addition, the means, and documents required to accomplish membership transfers (including transfer for both short and long term renters.  Parker Jones will lead this effort.
  • Rental Agreements – A review of the Rental Agreement requirements and documents, as well as rental fees will be conducted by an ad hoc committee, which will meet at Pam Jacobsen’s.
  • Budget Review – A review of the annual operating budget for 2012 will be conducted during October.  The review committee will consist of Pam Jacobsen, Sherrie Kelley, Bill Thomas, Steve and Christy O’Hare, and Parker Jones.  The final draft budget will be presented to the BRPA Board at the November meeting.

Meeting Schedule:
The official schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:

  • General  Meeting –Monday, 10 November 2011 at the BRCA Marina clubhouse.
  • Board Meeting – Tuesday 25 October 2011 at the BRPA Pool.
  • Ad Int. Board Meeting – Tuesday 8 November 2011 at the BRPA Pool House
  • Pam Jacobsen noted that the official board meetings for December and January will be canceled.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10:01pm.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends