Bay Ridge Our Community
August 3, 2010 Board Meeting
The meeting convened at 8:05 pm at the BRCA Marina Clubhouse. The President, Pam Jacobsen, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Pam Jacobsen, Grahame Rice, Sherrie Kelley, Bill Thomas and Paul Behrends. A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business.
Old Business
Reading of the Minutes – Reading of the minutes of the 1 July 2010 meeting were waived since the approved minutes are posted on the web site.
She noted that there is enough cash to cover to the end of the year. Current major annual bills are:
- DRD Management contract – This bill has been paid in full for this year. It was noted that the contract is up for renewal this winter. It has been proposed to consider modifying the terms of the contract.
- Electrical Power – This is a monthly charge.
Membership Status – Grahame Rice discussed the current status of membership. He noted that the current status is very close to the status at the same time last year. Membership renewals are continuing to be received. He noted that the on line membership data renewal process has been working extremely well this year.
On another aspect of tracking membership, Kurt Karsten reported on efforts to develop a paper trail of regular and charter membership transfers. In the past, some transfers have been made informally, without advising the BRPA of the transfer. The result is an uncertainty on the validity of membership claims based on the transfers. Kurt reported that he has essentially completed the documentation effort for charter members. He has the raw data for the regular memberships, but has not had an opportunity to complete that task yet.
Fire Safety Inspection – Pam Jacobsen noted that the pool was inspected by the County Fire Inspector earlier in the month. The inspection revealed a number of deficiencies. The Fire Inspector has returned for reinspections several times. The one remaining deficiency is the exposed wires in the guard office. Although the NEC does not required placing these wires in conduits, they will be covered before the next reinspection.
Pool Maintenance – Grahame Rice discussed the possible actions to take with the uninstalled diving board. These include:
- Replacement – Replacing the diving board would cost between $4K (Aluminum) and $2.3K (wood).
- Repair – Grahame noted that the uninstalled board is structurally sound, but lacks the non-skid coating at the end of the board. The cost and ability to successfully replace the missing non-skid coating remains to be determined.
The Board chose to table the decision to allow gathering more information. It is intended that this issue will be brought before the board again at the September meeting.
Pam Jacobsen noted that pool cleanliness has fallen off. Specific items of concern include:
- There are significant pockets of algae around the pool area. The lifeguards are responsible for that cleaning, which apparently has not been done regularly.
- The snack room has been extremely messy. Although the guards would regularly fold and stack the lost and found items, they would be in disarray by the following day. When asked Sarah made the lost and found items disappear.
- Since recycling is collected by the County only once a week, it is not considered feasible to store recycling materials for a full week at the club house. As a result, Pam proposed that the BRPA no longer hold recycling materials. These materials should be treated as trash and put in the dumpster.
BRPA Monthly Pool Parties – Grahame Rice addressed the BRPA Pool Parties for the rest of the season. They included:
- August party is currently scheduled for 22 August. This will be a “pot-luck” party, where attendees will be requested to bring a dish to share.
- A season closing party is scheduled for 4 September. Details of this party remain to be defined.
Paul Behrends will adjust the pool rental calendar to reflect these changes.
Solar Energy Project – Bill Thomas reported on the efforts of the BRPA Solar Power Committee. Items addressed included:
- Members of the committee visited the facilities of MES to see an actual PV panel installation.
- The commercial facility has some 700,000 PV panels in the installation.
- It was noted that the panels are actually translucent, and allow some sun to shine through.
- Bill also noted that the panels suffer some output degradation under high temperature conditions.
- Grahame Rice discussed how MES deal with S-RECs, depreciation, and grants. He noted that that prior discussions mentioned proposed teaming arrangements for some of these instruments which would involve teaming with either BRCA or other commercial businesses. His initial concern is the possible adverse impact on the BRPA “not for profit” tax status if they were a partner in such an arrangement..
- Pam Jacobsen stated that she feels strongly that the PV array should not be installed in the pool area.
- Bill also noted that a time line for authorizing the project needs to be developed. This is especially true because of the possible expiration of various grants and credits.
New Business
Swim Team Activity –Kathleen Randolph noted that the Swim Team membership this year was 30 members less than last year. Even so, the participation on the team was active and enthusiastic. The annual charity swimathon proved to be very successful. Kathleen further noted that the swim team is looking at holding a “movie night” fund raiser in September.
Meeting Schedule:
The official schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:
- General Meeting –Monday, 1 November at the BRCA Marina clubhouse.
- Board Meeting – Tuesday 31 August at the BRPA Pool.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary