Bay Ridge Our Community
August 31, 2004 – General Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:10 PM at the Pool House. The meeting was chaired by Vice President, Jeff Bach. Board Members present included: Bill Cable, Grahame Rice, Patrick Winterschladen and Carlene Cassidy. Paul Behrends and Trina Burks were also present.
Minutes Approved:
The minutes of the July 27, 2004 Board meeting were approved.
Treasurers Report:
$145,501.26 |
Left at 12/31/03 |
$51,451.39 |
taken in |
$135,575.80 |
spent |
$82,148.28 |
Reserve Fund |
$28,049.15 |
$76,829.76 |
August 1999 contribution |
$4,567.00 |
August 2000 contribution |
$4,567.00 |
August 2001 contribution |
$5,567.00 |
August 2002 contribution |
$5,567.00 |
August 2003 contribution |
$5,567.00 |
interest |
$2,214.15 |
$28,049.15 |
$5,011.76 |
$35,610.59 |
Old Business:
• Grahame reported on the schedule and tasks of Marivone who cleans the upstairs weekly on Thursday or Friday. A discussion of how we arrange for additional cleaning services to be paid from the deposit when the facility was not cleaned or when the renter wanted to arrange for and purchase such service concluded with Grahame agreeing to contact services and Trina checking with a Key School staff person and will report back to the board.
• Carlene agreed to update the facility use documents to reflect the latest ones used by Trina and add the new cleaning and safety provisions that incorporate our recent discussions. There will be a suggestion for a wedding rental fee that covers multiply days at increased fees and day use rules that capture current policy as we have discussed. A statement of the use rules when the cover is off and the temporary fence is installed will also be incorporated. All of these changes will be circulated to the Board for review and then be noticed for discussion at a membership meeting prior to implementation.
• Jeff will coordinate with Kevin and develop a post closing work list to be circulated to the membership for a work day.
• Jeff will work with Carlene, Paul and Michelle to develop an RFP to be sent to DRD and other pool management companies to solicit bids for the next two years.
• Carlene will check with Kurt to determine the agreed upon use of the pool by CBF staff.
• Jeff and Kurt will reach out AGAIN to Frank Bussink to attempt to resolve his claim for payment due from the initial construction.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
Bill Cable, Secretary