August 7, 2012 General Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:03 pm at the BRPA Clubhouse. The President, Bill Thomas chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Bill Thomas, Paul Behrends, Pam Jacobsen, Jay Green, Sherrie Kelley, Morgan Wells, and Parker Jones. Non-voting members in attendance included Bruce Reiter (Annapolis Cove representative, and IT committee chairman).

The Board Members attending represent a quorum which allows the board to conduct formal business.

Reading of the Minutes – The reading of the minutes of the 8 July 2012 Board meeting was waived because the meeting minutes were reviewed by the board via email, and the corrected version has been posted on the BRPA web site.


Trespass Issues – The meeting began with a brief follow-up discussion regarding the Breaking & Entering/Trespass of the pool on July 3rd. Items addressed during the discussion included:

  • Bill Thomas noted that three of the four letters sent to the trespassers have been returned with signatures indicating acceptance of the conditions in the letters.
  • The only letter not yet returned was to an individual from out of state.
  • It was noted that another break-in/trespass occurred on 1 August. The intent again appears to have been an “after hours” swim.
  • As a result of the break-in/trespasses, the Police have recommended that “No Trespass” signs be prominently displayed on the pool boundaries. Morgan Wells is investigating which signs would be most appropriate.
  • The board has proposed that the signs be posted at the building gate, and at intervals along the boundary fences.

Motion: Pam Jacobsen moved that “Appropriate NO TRESPASS signs be procured and posted along the borders of the pool property.” The motion was seconded by Jay Green and passed with a voice vote.

Membership Issues – Various issues with regard to membership categories were discussed. These included:

  • As a result of discussions at the last board meeting indicating some confusion regarding membership categories, Bill Thomas developed a chart showing all the membership categories which are in effect as of 1 August 2012. The data in the chart is the result of a study by Bill Thomas, which was done to clarify membership categories. This chart shows the different types of membership, costs and dates of expiration for both Annapolis Cove and Bay Ridge residents. A copy of the chart is appended to these minutes.
  • Pam Jacobsen reported the results of her efforts to accurately identify the holders of “Charter” memberships. She has identified 68 memberships. In addition, some problems with transfer of ownership have been noted. She will continue investigating these issues.
  • It was noted that pursuant to earlier guidance from the board five special memberships for non-resident members of the swim team have been sold.

Pool Operations – In a discussion on pool operations, It was noted that:

  • Because of the start of school on 27 August (and the loss of lifeguards during the day) the pool will go to evening only hours (4-8pm) during the work week. Normal hours will be maintained on the weekends and holidays.
  • The recently conducted diving classes were extremely successful. The indications are that the classes will be repeated next season.

Party/Pool Equipment – Items discussed included:

  • Bill Thomas stated that the margarita machine was picked-up by an authorized service company for Stoelting equipment. An estimate will be created to determine if the machine is worth fixing.
  • DRD requested to remove broken metal lounge chair currently stored next to building behind grill areas.

Video Surveillance – Jeff Gilbert discussed the status of the video surveillance system.

  • He reported that the cameras are once again operational.
  • A new DVR was received under the existing warranty. As a result of the recent break-ins, it was suggested that more cameras be added, including some ‘dummy’ cameras on light poles at outer edge of the pool area.
  • Next objective is to put a link on the website so members can view the pool ‘live’ and anyone can check status of pool on the website.

BRPA Membership Categories – The question of partial year membership for recently arrived residents was discussed. Items addressed included:

  • This proposed membership category would apply to families who move-in to either BR or AC after July 15th and wish to join the pool, and would apply for NEW families only.
  • New Family Annual Membership is $500 for both AC and BR.
  • This membership category would provide full membership privileges, and would be valid for only the current season. For the second season, the New Family members would be required to purchase either an “Annual Membership” or a “Regular Membership.

Motion: It was moved that “The Board approve a new type of one season non-renewable family membership for families who move into BRPA areas after 15 July, for the remainder of the calendar year. The Motion was approved by a voice vote.

Facility Status – Jay Green reviewed the maintenance status of the Pool facilities. Items noted included:

  • One of the showers in the Ladies bathroom is non-functional. Repairing this will require securing water to the space. As a result, Jay proposes waiting to repair until the end of pool season.
  • The recently installed fence around the grassy area adjacent to the parking lot has been damaged. Jay Green noted that one post was broken, and another was pushed out of shape. He expressed frustration at having newly installed items damaged and destroyed, unnecessarily adding to the maintenance workload.
  • Jay Green suspects this damage was the result of people attempting without authorization to use the grassy area as a parking lot. The initial problem is that we can’t readily identify who caused the damage. The grassy area is used as overflow parking for the pool, and on occasion by CBF. Morgan Wells will contact Mary Todd Winchester (DRD Point of Contact) to enlist their assistance in caring for the grass and protecting the grassy area and allowing the grass to take root.
  • It was noted that considerable effort was expended to clean the new deck covering on the balcony. The decking once again requires cleaning to keep it looking good. The DRD lifeguards have agreed to hose down the deck at least twice weekly, as well as after parties which have used the deck area. This will prevent dirt and droppings from drying and hardening on the deck surface.
  • In addition, it was noted that there is evidence of wild animals being present on the deck.
  • Power Outage – As the result of a recent power outage, Jay Green noted that the well pump failed to restart on restoration of the power. It was noted that this pump uses 3 phase power, and the power outage was on only one of the phases. The single phasing protection was preventing the pump from restarting. Mid Atlantic Water was able to restore the pump to operation.
  • Outside Freezer Status – Pam Jacobsen will contact Appliance Doctor ( who service our heating and air conditioning unit), concerning the repair of the outside commercial freezer. She also noted that Appliance Doctor is looking into whether parts for the freezer can still be obtained before making a service call on the freezer.

Grounds Issues – The board discussed the issues related to storm water management from the parking lot to the beach. Items addressed included:

  • Bill Thomas presented an estimate from Environmental Quality Recourses to perform specific tasks associated with the repairs to the boardwalk to the beach. The proposal addresses modifying the existing outfall pipe at the beach, replacing steps to the beach and the last ten feet of boardwalk. It is noted that this work will be performed on BRCA property, therefore coordination with the BRCA board will be necessary to authorize and fund this work.
  • The area of discussion was enlarged to address handling run off from the parking lot and the grassy area adjacent to the parking lot. Morgan Wells proposed adding flow control berms in the path to slow the water flow rate, and encourage the absorption of the water into the soil.
  • Bill Thomas indicated that we should proceed with the proposal as it stands (with BRCA concurrence). The next phase should be repairs to the grassy area to avoid additional erosion. The definition of this phase should not delay proceeding with the proposal in hand.

Motion: Pam Jacobsen moved that “The Board accept the bid/proposal from Environmental Quality Resources for the boardwalk repairs be accepted.” The motion was seconded by Jay Green and passed with a voice vote.

DRD Liaison – Pam Jacobsen reported on semi-weekly meeting she had with Jeremy HIcks (DRD). Items addressed included:

  • Some of the poolside furniture has been broken. Pam requested that DRD take those items out of service, and advise BRPA of the breakage so that action can be taken to repair or replace the furniture.
  • It was noted that the large upright freezer on the ground floor is overheating. It appears to be the result of low refrigerant. Parker Jones will investigate the cost to repair or replace the freezer, and will advise the board of the results of his investigation.

BRPA Pool Parties – Parker Jones noted that the party postponed because of bad weather will be scheduled for Friday 17 August. This will be “bring your own meat and something to share” party.

Sale of Additional Charter Memberships – This is the potential sale of 10 new Charter memberships at roughly $5,000 each.

  • It was suggested by Kurt that we offer 5 new Charters at $7,500 each for about $38k in revenue. These would expire at the same time as the current Charters with a life of 15 years and are transferrable as are the current Charters.
  • Bill Thomas will begin marketing with next month’s newsletter.
  • It was once again noted that Regular membership pool bonds are transferrable but not refundable.
  • Pam Jacobsen agreed to head the reconciliation of the Charter membership list. Will get with Bill to determine course of action.

Motion: It was moved that “the Board approve the offering for sale new Charter memberships.” The motion was approved by a voice vote.

Pool Maintenance – Several items of pool maintenance were discussed. Included were:

  • It was noted that loose stones at top of wall at the bay end of the pool need to be fixed.
  • Bill Thomas noted that he attempted to repair the anchors for the pool cover, without success. In discussions he had with DRD, they have noted that the only effective repair is to drill new anchor holes in the deck, install the new anchors, and fill the unused holes.  DRD bid $800 (labor only) to make a complete and effective repair to the anchors.

Motion: Parker Jones moved that “The Board accept the DRD quote to accomplish the pool cover anchor repairs”. The motion was seconded by Jay Green and passed with a voice vote.

Meeting Schedule – The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11 September, at the Pool House.

Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted:

Paul O. Behrends
BRPA Secretary