Bay Ridge Our Community
August 8, 2005 – General Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:06 PM at the Bay Ridge Community Clubhouse. The meeting was chaired by the President, Carlene Cassidy. Board Members present included: Paul Behrends, Grahame Rice, Elizabeth Taylor, and Doug Vaughters. The five Board Members constitute a quorum for the conduct of Pool Association business. General membership attendees included Claudia Auth, Monica Mount, Allyson Reiter, and Gin Behrends.
Minutes Approved:
Reading of the minutes was waived. Doug Vaughters moved, and Grahame Rice seconded a motion to waive the reading of, and approve the minutes of the July 11, 2005 general membership meeting. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
Treasurers Report:
Grahame Rice presented the current cash status of the Pool Association. In conjunction with the financial report, the following items were discussed:
• The current cash balance is solid at $145,096. At this point most of the major expenditures have been accounted for.
• It was noted that budget constraints will require prioritization of capital projects for pool area maintenance and improvement.
• The full report is attached.
Committee Reports:
Membership/Social/Recreation – Elizabeth Taylor provided an update on various social and recreation activities planned for the Pool Association. Items addressed included:
• Potluck Parties – The next potluck party is scheduled for 20 August, from 6-10 PM. The party is planned to be “All American Picnic” with the Association providing fried chicken and beverages. Attendees are being asked to provide either a side dish or dessert. Entertainment will be provided by Dave Glaser.
• Pool House Rentals – Monica Mount noted that there had been some confusion over a recent rental. At the request of one person she tentatively listed a reservation for that individual. At the time of the request the individual did not provide the rental fee. Before the requester provided the rental fee, another individual requested the same rental and immediately provided the rental fee. As a result of this incident, Monica will take pains to ensure that prospective renters recognize that they have not reserved the facility until they provide payment.
On another note, Monica also noted that the Bay Ridge Golf Association will be having a recognition dinner at the Pool House. As a Bay Ridge Community activity, the rental fee for the facility will be waived; however, the Golf Association will be responsible for the extra cost for lifeguards for the event.
Pool Management/Equipment/Security/Fire Protection – Carlene Cassidy discussed activities with the pool management firm (DRD). Items addressed included:
• Meetings – Carlene Cassidy and Elizabeth Taylor continue to meet weekly with the DRD Area Manager, Hernan Padilla. These meetings allow frequent interchange of information between the Pool Association and the management firm.
• It was noted that there continue to be issues with the management of the lifeguards and pool area cleanliness. This will be discussed with DRD at the next meeting.
• Fire Safety Inspection – Carlene Cassidy noted that Kevin Cline has repaired or replaced all the emergency signs that were identified during previous inspections. She noted that there appeared to be a communications gap between the pool and the Fire Inspector. It was alleged that an additional emergency Exit sing was in need of repair. Carlene will contact the Fire Inspector and schedule a final visit to complete the annual inspection.
Facilities/Buildings and Grounds/Erosion Control – the status of the facilities was discussed. Items noted included:
• Erosion Control Work – The steps to the beach from the boardwalk have been completed. However, with the recent heavy rains, excessive run off from the area adjacent to the boardwalk has created further erosion. Initial efforts on relocating the rock berms reduced the magnitude of the run off. Further work is required in relocating the rocks in the area.
• General Plumbing – It was noted that a new leak has developed over the walkway by the guard office. It appears to be associated with the drain to the corner sink in the party room kitchen area. The water to the sink has been turned off, and the leak will be further investigated.
• Shower Plumbing – Paul Behrends reported that the damaged shower control valves in the Men’s Head have been replaced. He has additional replacement parts on order. The parts will be installed when received.
• Party Room Cleaning – Doug Vaughters reported that the new cleaning firm is now cleaning the party room weekly (on Saturday mornings). There were some initial problems with regard to scheduling. However, they have been resolved and based on last Saturday’s cleaning, the results are good. In addition, he noted that the firm is willing to provide “emergency” post party cleaning services as well. Monica Mount noted that, if the Friday night party rental did an adequate cleaning, the cleaning firm could address other less critical cleaning tasks during their Saturday morning work. It was noted that the Association’s goal is to move to having every rental be charged for professional cleanup.
• Party Room Floor Refinishing – It was noted that Mark Krawczewicz had agreed to do the refinishing of the floors using commercial grade heavy-duty materials. Carlene Cassidy will query Mark for his desired dates to do the work.
• Pool Opening Preparations – As a part of preparations for opening the pool next Spring, Doug Vaughters was requested to determine if it is feasible to have the cleaning firm sanitize the bathrooms on the ground floor.
Swim Team – Claudia Auth noted that the swim team season is over. It was an excellent season: Bay Ridge Marlins had 168 participants this season.
• Old Business:
No old business was discussed.
New Business:
Operations Manual – The need for a Pool Operations Manual was discussed. Items addressed included:
• The Association needs to document the various aspects of operating the pool. Most especially:
Preparations for opening the pool for the season
Actions needed in closing the pool at the end of the season
Routine maintenance of pool equipment
Identification of preferred vendors/maintenance firms for pool support
• Paul Behrends volunteered to write the manual. However, he will need inputs from Association members for data to be included in the Manual. He will start development of the manual now.
Meeting Schedule:
The schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:
• Board Meeting – Tuesday, 30 August 2005.
• General Meeting – Monday, 12 September 2005.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 7:51 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary