Bay Ridge Our Community
BRPA Board Meeting May 14, 2013 Summary Minutes
The meeting convened at 7:30 PM at the Pool Clubhouses. The President, Bill Thomas chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Bill Thomas, Jeff Gilbert, Sherrie Kelley, Parker Jones, Jay Green, Kurt Karsten, Lee Shackelford & Dan Phelps.
The Board Members attending represent a quorum which allows the board to conduct formal business. This is a public meeting and one member showed-up to comment on actionable items needing input from membership.
Reading of the Minutes – The reading of the minutes of the 9 April 2013 Board meeting was waived.
Old Business
- Sherrie Kelley reported that she had completed the federal 990 form as was distributed via e-mail prior to tonight’s meeting for review. A motion was passed to approve filing of the form by May 15, 2013. A balance sheet and P&L were also distributed for review. Few questions, but some about revenue and budgeted party/fundraiser revenue.
- Bill Thomas discussed the Winter Boat Storage program will likely be allowed to continue. The president of the Scenic River’ Land Trust called to say the Trust basically had no problem with the Winter Boat Storage program in conjunction with the terms of the Easement on the pool property. Also, Bill & Parker we going to begin putting the small boat storage rack together for summer use. Volunteers?
- The Spring fundraiser party went well, but brought in about ½ of last year’s revenues. It was noted we still need a committee of planners to make it happen next year as this year was put together too late to meet expectations. Gross was $1,033.
By-Laws – The review of the BRPA by-laws changes was discussed. Items addressed included:
- Modify the term of board members to expire in November versus the current April to allow for new board members to assume their seat after the current pool season, rather than commence their term just before the new pool season;
- Adjust the public/membership meeting forum to the pool clubhouse rather than the marina clubhouse;
- Modify the monthly meeting date from the fourth Tuesday of the month to the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM; and, some other minor word changes.
- A motion was made by Kurt Karsten and seconded to accept the changes to the by-laws.
- A second public meeting in November must be held for a final vote to the changes in the by-laws.
- New DRD day-to-day contact is Jay Green; will report to board/pool president
- Communications director is Cindy Wells; responsible for communicating e-mails, newsletters, flyers to membership
- Lee Shackelford volunteered to chair the Turkey Trot 5k committee
- Bill Thomas noted that we still need volunteers to serve on the Spring Fundraiser
- Board agreed to allow for application to Sam’s Club for commercial membership
- Discussion regarding applying for a VISA for use by staff to buy supplies for pool parties, parts & supplies for maintenance projects, etc as there are a lot of purchases where treasurer has to reimburse board members. Concerns are that receipts still need to be kept and turned-in to Treasurer and where will items get coded for proper accounting if receipts not kept? Board approved a pre-paid VISA with a $2k limit. Bill or Sherrie will check into with current banking relationship.
- Marketing of swim lessons, dive lessons, water aerobics becoming an issue as not many members are signing-up. Bill suggested purchasing two ‘sandwich boards’ for advertising out by street and in the entrance way for members to see and read about upcoming events/features. Lee Shackelford agreed to research and purchase.
- Bill Thomas gave an update on the Winter Boat Storage program. He received a call from the director of the Scenic River Land Trust who is the new holder of the easement on the pool property. There was some concern as to the legality of allowing storage of the property and collection of monies for such storage. It appeared that the easement would not allow such action, but the new holder says he does not think there will be a problem with such program. Final decision coming later, but preliminary approval for program.
- Board unanimously approved spraying for mosquitos EOW during season; $59 per application; unbudgeted expense.
- Opening Day is Saturday, May 25th; plans for party include pool to provide burgers, dogs, chicken, beverages, beer, wine and DJ. Parker to provide DJ Joey. Cindy and Lee to purchase food. Jeff Gilbert to man grills and Parker to set-up corn hole game. Party 5 – 8 PM but pool to remain open until 11PM. Bill to notify DRD.
- Xander to man snack bar again this year; added new oven for pizza, nachos, etc.
- Facility Maintenance – Jay green discussed items that are under renovation or currently working on: deck drains found to be faulty nearest clubhouse and a new drain pipe has been set in place – on-going project. Bath fans being replaced as old ones are rusted and do not work.
- Parker and Bill Thomas will begin assembling small boat storage rack this week prior to opening; rack for small sailboats, kayaks, paddle boards, windsurfers, etc. No charge this year as we assemble and determine best use of rack and procedures.
Meeting Schedule – The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 at the Pool House.
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 9:30PM. Bill Thomas, BRPA Secretary