BRPA Board Meeting November 12, 2013 Summary Minutes

The meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the Pool Clubhouse. The President, Bill Thomas chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Jeff Gilbert, Cindy Wells, Jocelyn Williams & Jay Green. The Board Members attending did NOT represent a quorum which allows the board to conduct formal business. Therefore, approvals needed will be conducted via e-mail.

Reading of the Minutes – The reading of the minutes of the October 2013 Board meeting was waived. This is the second public membership meeting of 2013 for approval of both the 2014 budget and the second reading and approval of the proposed By-Laws changes.

There we two non-board members in attendance representing membership.

Old Business

  • Jocelyn shared the furniture options that she and Cindy had researched for chairs, lounges, umbrellas and stands. There were 5 – 7 items suggested. Total cost was approximately $18- $20k to include shipping. Jocelyn will check into the cost of Tucci umbrella stands with the safety clamp on each. Questions raised were: Should we purchase all-new for everything or replace just a portion of the furniture this year? And, if we do replace all or most we should choose a particular line and replace all of it (for example, all chairs, not just a portion and wait to replace umbrellas next year, etc). It was suggested that there is a price break by ordering in fall/winter versus waiting until spring/late winter. Jocelyn will also check to see if the furniture options suggested were sold to anyone in this particular area to use as a reference and/or possibly view some of the furniture rather than try to get samples delivered for viewing. It was decided that Jocelyn will get a sample of each delivered for viewing and testing for a December meeting (TBD).

At this point in the meeting, the public portion of the evening began.

  • Budget review and approval; Bill went through the highlights of the proposed budget for 2014. Revenue projection is increasing by $5K to $175K in 2014; significant bumps include approval of 20 Swim Team Family memberships this year at $1,000 each, increase in fundraising revenue by $3K and no Annual or Regular dues increase to either Bay Ridge or Annapolis Cove members. Rental income down slightly by $1K based on 2013 history. Expenses mirror nearly Actual 2013; pool management fees remain flat at $60K and loan expense down due to refi; plan to spend nearly $36K in capital expenditures in 2014 – furniture of $18K and repairs/maintenance to infrastructure: $4k coping stones to wading pool, $5K for steel door and frame replacements, plaster repairs to wall in hallway, main pump replace of $5k, etc. Budget approved (unofficially) by all in attendance.
  • Review of By-Laws changes for second time as required by current By-Laws. Three notable changes: (1) pool board meetings will now be held on the second Tuesday of each month (except off months) at 7:30PM in the pool clubhouse (2) public twice annual membership meetings will move from the Marina clubhouse to the pool clubhouse and held in May and November (3) terms of members will now expire in October/November of every two years versus April/May due to the timing and seasonality of summer pool opening. A new board member and officers will have time to understand the workings of the pool and board well prior to the opening of the pool for the season; this effectively makes the current board member’s term extend for six months and expire in Oct/November of 2014. Group approved (unofficially) the changes to the pool By-Laws.
  • Website – still down and presumed to be up in the next week as the community is developing a new site and new hosting company. Pool site will be hosted by community site.
  • Thanksgiving Day 5K Turkey Trot – flyers went out in BR Newsletter, copies being made to be distributed for AC residents; some signs out, Bill will set out remaining in next week; some prizes gathered already, Michael Smith to get remaining prizes; Bill to pick-up Strider’s timing equipment and start/finish arch; Cindy and Lee to shop for food prior to; Cindy to speak to ARS about getting their followers to take part in our race; run listed in Capital running section on Thursday’s; Volunteers still needed for set-up, breakdown and course monitoring; contact Lee if you can volunteer day of. Race starts 9AM Nov. 28th. Last fundraiser of year.
  • Winter boat storage has begun at the pool; 5 –  6 boats/trailers already on the property; commitments of 12 – 13 versus 9 – 10 from last year.
  • No calendar dates for discussion as yet due to the fact that website is down.
  • Spring Fundraising Party/Gambling party – Cindy volunteered and also volunteered Patty Smith to chair this party; wants to have music, options other than gambling but keep casino theme; volunteers needed to work on committee for spring party – target late April. Date and time TBD.
  • Security system – not operating at the moment; Bill promised we would have a security system up and running by pool opening to include a webcam on the website
  • Maintenance projects – Jay Green discussed winter projects and on-going maintenance; drinking fountains dismantled and will be replaced in spring. Discussion of what the board ‘wanted to see or their intentions’ as to what type of make-over we were considering for the baths – new curtains, mirrors, fixtures, new doors, etc. Jay suggested he’d like to have a maintenance-only day in the spring. Bill & Jay to do a walk-though of property to determine list of maintenance projects for spring.


Meeting Schedule –   The next official board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 7:30PM.

Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.

Respectfully submitted:  Bill Thomas, acting BRPA Secretary