Bay Ridge Our Community
July 11, 2005 – General Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:05 PM at the Bay Ridge Community Clubhouse. The meeting was chaired by the President, Carlene Cassidy. Board Members present included: Jeff Bach, Paul Behrends, Kevin Cline, Kurt Karsten, Grahame Rice, Elizabeth Taylor, and Doug Vaughters. The eight Board Members constitute a quorum for the conduct of Pool Association business. General membership attendees included Claudia Auth, Monica Mount, and Allyson Reiter.
Minutes Approved:
Reading of the minutes was waived. Jeff Bach moved, and Doug Vaughters seconded a motion to waive the reading of, and approve the minutes of the May 9, 2005 general membership meeting. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
Treasurers Report:
Grahame Rice presented the current cash status of the Pool Association. In conjunction with the financial report, the following items were discussed:
• Membership status was addressed. The number of Resident Regulars and Non-Resident Regular memberships now two memberships above the budget. The membership receipts are above the budget because of new membership initiation fee receipts.
• The current cash balance is solid at $164,551. At this point most of the major expenditures have been accounted for.
• Carlene Cassidy tasked Paul Behrends to develop and maintain a continuing list of non-recurring budget items which should be addressed in future budget plans.
Committee Reports:
Membership/Social/Recreation – Elizabeth Taylor provided an update on various social and recreation activities planned for the Pool Association. Items addressed included:
• Pool Passes – Carlene Cassidy noted that, to date, she has prepared over 800 pool ID passes for members. This represents over 80% of the expected number of passes. She is continuing preparing passes as the need arises.
• Potluck Parties – The first of the season’s potluck parties was held this Friday, 17 June, from 6-10 PM. The next party is scheduled for Sunday 17 July 2005, from 6-10PM. Heather Macintosh is coordinating the preparations for the party. It will have a “Mexican” theme. It is expected that food will be provided by Baja Fresh. Canned beer (as opposed to a keg) will be available.
• Membership Information – Allyson Reiter noted that the email fliers are not being distributed to the Annapolis Cove members. She noted that her husband has generated an Annapolis Cove Pool Member email list. He would be happy to forward pool information to the Annapolis Cove members. Elizabeth Taylor and Doug Vaughters will ensure that any broadcast emails to Pool members will be forwarded to Allyson or her husband.
Pool Management/Equipment/Security/Fire Protection – Carlene Cassidy discussed activities with the pool management firm (DRD). Items addressed included:
• Meetings – Carlene Cassidy and Elizabeth Taylor continue to meet weekly with the DRD Area Manager, Hernan Padilla. These meetings allow frequent interchange of information between the Pool Association and the management firm.
• It was noted that there has been some laxness on the part of the gate guards in insuring that only active members are allowed access to the pool. This will be discussed with DRD at the next meeting.
• Fire Safety Inspection – Carlene Cassidy noted that Kevin Cline has repaired or replaced all the emergency signs that were identified during previous inspections. Kevin Cline requested that Carlene contact the Fire Inspector and schedule a final visit to complete the annual inspection.
Facilities/Buildings and Grounds/Erosion Control – the status of the facilities was discussed. Items noted included:
• Erosion Control Work – In conjunction with the erosion control work at the foot of the completion of the walkway (and stairs) to the beach remain to be accomplished. Carlene Cassidy noted that her discussions with Ken Balenske indicated that construction of the stairs is properly an item to be charged against the BRCA erosion control work. It was suggested that Kevin Cline meet with Ken Balenske to work out the details of getting the work done.
• General Plumbing – It was noted that a leak has developed over the walkway by the guard office. Kevin Cline stated that he suspects the leak is associated with an earlier leak, which was repaired by installing a bypass line. He suspects that a valve was incorrectly operated, causing the re-emergence of the old leak. He will investigate and report.
• Shower Plumbing – Paul Behrends reported that two shower control valves in the Men’s Head have been broken. He has replacement parts on order for one, and will order additional repair parts this week for the other damaged control valves. It is suspected that the breakage is due to rough handling of the valves by the users.
• Party Room Cleaning – It was reported that the cleaner who performed the weekly cleaning of the Party Room has quit. Grahame Rice noted that he had previously gotten estimates from several cleaning firms. Doug Vaughters was tasked to enter into negotiations with these firms to obtain replacement routine cleaning services. In addition, he was authorized to pursue “emergency” post party cleaning services as well.
Swim Team – Several items were discussed. They included:
• The next home meet will be this Saturday, 16 July 2005. The pool will be closed for the duration of the meet.
• The annual Swim Team Swim-a-thon will be held 27-28 August 2005.
Old Business:
Pool Association Signs – Carlene Cassidy noted that the completion of the various signs for the pool facility area (bathroom, entrance, etc) are close to completion and should be installed within a week.
BRPA Adult Swim Group – Doug Vaughters reported that the Adult Swim Group is active. There are about 20 regular participants.
New Business:
Meeting Schedule:
The schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:
• Board Meeting – Tuesday, 25 July 2005.
• General Meeting – Monday, 8 August 2005.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary