July 26, 2005 – Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:13 PM at the Pool House. The meeting was chaired by the President, Carlene Cassidy. Board Members present included: Carlene Cassidy, Jeff Bach, Paul Behrends, Chris Burkhardt, Kurt Karsten, Grahame Rice, Elizabeth Taylor, and Doug Vaughters. A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business.

Minutes Approved:
Reading of the minutes for the April 26 Board Meeting was waived by a voice vote. The meeting minutes were approved as posted on the BRPA Web Page.

Financial Report:
Grahame Rice presented the report of the current financial status. He noted that the Association currently has an Operating Funds balance of approximately $100,000. The last major payment (DRD Management) has been paid. While there is a significant balance, he stated that the Association needs to prioritize the several major capital projects currently under consideration in order to ensure the most appropriate use of the Associations funds.

He also noted that total BRPA membership currently stands at nine over the total budgeted for this year. The numbers are
Member Category Budget Actual
Bay Ridge Resident 132 143
Bay Ridge Annual 12 13
Annapolis Cove 70 67
Total 214 223

Old Business:
Membership Renewal Status – Carlene Cassidy noted that the membership renewal drive is essentially finished. Few additional renewals have been received this month. Carlene Cassidy proposed creating a form a focus group including Annapolis Cove members to explore potential membership categories and fee structures.

Pot Luck Parties – Chris Burkhardt discussed the potluck party held on 17 July 2005. Items discussed included:
• The potluck party was extremely well attended. It was estimated that over 120 people participated in the evening’s activity. Entertainment for the evening was provided by Dave Glaser.
• A major drawing feature appeared to be having the food provided by the Association. The large attendance resulted in problems with having adequate food. The initial plan had been for 60 people, and as a result, the original order of food was fully consumed within about 20 minutes after the start of the evening. Subsequent food orders were made to meet the overwhelming demand.
• It was noted that Heather MacIntosh would be chairing the next party, scheduled for Saturday 20 August 2005. The proposed approach for this party is for the Association to provide the main course (fried chicken), with the participants providing the side dishes. In addition, the Association will provide a keg of beer, some wine, and soft drinks. Chris Burkhardt will work with Heather to get prices on the chicken.
• Doug Vaughters moved that an expenditure by the Pool Association of not more than $600 be authorized to cover the cost of food and drink for the next Family Night party. The motion was seconded by Paul Behrends, and passed with a voice vote.

Plumbing Repairs – Plumbing repairs in the pool house facility were discussed. Items addressed included:
• Paul Behrends reported that the remaining parts for repair of shower control valves are on order and expected in shortly. It was noted that there are additional toilet repairs needed. Paul Behrends will take these items for action.
• The entryway leak was discussed. It was noted that the leak appears to be from a “dead-ended” pipe section in the overhead area. Although it would be desirable to make the repairs as soon as practicable, Kurt Karsten suggested that, because of the extend of the work required, the repairs be delayed until the end of the pool season. The Board concurred with the suggestion, and will address the problem at the end of the pool season.

Beach Access Repairs – The current condition of the beach end of the boardwalk was discussed. Items addressed included:

• The ground at the end of the boardwalk is being severely eroded by water drainage from the drainage swale under the boardwalk.
• Correction of the problem will require significant work to deflect the water flow and protect the embankment.
• Carlene Cassidy noted that the area involved is actually the responsibility of the BRCA. She also noted that the proposed repair work could properly be funded under the erosion control projects of the BRCA.
• Carlene Cassidy stated that she would make contact with Ken Balenske to enlist BRCA support.

Pool House Cleaning – Doug Vaughters described his efforts on obtaining professional cleaning services for the pool house. Items addressed included:
• He contacted a large number of cleaning/janitorial services for cost estimates. Of the group he contacted, he had only three who inspected the facility before giving him an estimate. Of those, he selected Exceptional Cleaning Services, Inc. as the service provider. They estimated the work at an average of 4MH per visit.
• It is Doug’s intent to have the firm paid promptly for their services.
• The initial plan is to have the party room cleaned on Saturday mornings.
• The firm is willing to provide emergency cleaning in the event a post-party cleanup was inadequate.
• He will arrange for the routine Saturday morning room cleaning to be shifter to the Monday following the Swim-a-thon.

New Business: There was no new business discussed.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary