Bay Ridge Our Community
July 27, 2004 – Board Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:10 PM at the Pool House. The meeting was chaired by Vice President, Jeff Bach. Board Members present included: Bill Cable, Kurt Karsten, Grahame Rice, Tom Stuckey and Carlene Cassidy. Paul Behrends was also present.
Minutes Approved:
The minutes of the July 13, 2004 Special meeting were approved as posted on the BRCA Web Site.
Treasurers Report:
No treasurers report is available see the 8/31/2004 Board Minutes for the latest report
Old Business:
- Grahame confirmed that the party room was being cleaned and will have a discussion to determine what additional service needs to be preformed and the cleaning schedule and how to use her reports of the status after cleaning to maintain the facility.
- Carlene reviewed the changes to the by-laws; operating rules; rental agreement; and private party rules that she circulated previously. After a discussion and substantial consensus was reached Carlene agreed to resend the changes for one more review by the board. Board members will get comments back with in one week.
- Paul reported on this latest written communication with Mr. Beach and concluded that the matter has been resolved with out need for any further action by the BRPA Board.
- Pool Vacuum repair- Jeff will get the information from Paul and take it to be repaired per a previous Board direction.
New Business:
- Jeff and Paul reported on a dispute involving an afternoon party that ran over requiring additional guards. Trina asked for the support of the Board to collect this fee. Jeff will gather the facts and resolve the issue with the member.
- A motion was adopted to authorize Carlene to contract with Holt to supply paper products and new dispensers for the bath rooms and dressing rooms.
- Jeff reported that Diana Rode will undertake to develop an e-mail newsletter list for the BRPA.
- Carlene will contact the CBF staff to facilitate reissuing Pool passes for the CBF employees to allow use during CBF working hours.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Bill Cable, Secretary