March 14, 2005 – General Meeting


The meeting convened at 7:15 PM at the Pool. The meeting was chaired by Vice President, Jeff Bach. Board Members present included: Bill Cable, Grahame Rice, Carlene Cassidy, Patrick Winterschladen, Kurt Karsten and Kevin Cline. Paul Behrends was also present. Non board members were also present.

Minutes Approved: The minutes of the February 22, 2005 board meeting were approved.

Treasurers Report: Report will be included in the next meeting minutes.

Old Business:

  • Carlene discussed the contents of package of information for the 2005 Membership renewals for both Annapolis Cove and Bay Ridge.
  • Carlene reviewed the changes to the By-laws, operating rules and the rate increases for the 2005 season. A motion was adopted to approve all of the changes and directing Carlene to make the documents available to be posted on the Pool web section.
  • Kurt has the previously authorized laptop and software.
  • Harry Ivrey graciously accepted the Board’s offer of membership for 2005 and expressed his thanks for his family.
  • Paul agreed produce new 2005 Pool passes; Carlene provided sample blanks for the new cards.

New Business –

  • The 2005 nominating Committee reported that they have confirmed the following Pool Members to serve on the board: Carlene Cassidy; Paul Behrends; Elizabeth Taylor; Chris Burkhardt; Claudia Auth; and Doug Vaughters.
    Jeff will contact Butch (Robert Frost) and Paul Collins to get bids on the grounds maintenance for 2005.
    Jeff was authorized to pay $100 for the opening day music.
  • Pool Opening work day cleanup:
    Kevin selected April 16, 2005 beginning at 10:00 am as the large group work day.
  • Kevin will schedule a small group day prior to April 16th.
  • The board authorized Kevin to spend up to $2500.00 for materials and contractor support to replace the pillars and rail posts on the upper deck of the Pool house.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Bill Cable, Secretary