March 29, 2005 – Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:10 PM at the Upshur Tavern (thank you Kevin). The meeting was chaired by Vice President, Jeff Bach. Board Members present included: Bill Cable, Carlene Cassidy, Patrick Winterschladen, Kurt Karsten and Kevin Cline. Trina Burks was also present.

Minutes Approved:
The minutes of the March 14, 2005 membership meeting were approved.

Old Business:

  • Kevin confirmed the April 16 work day and the small construction group schedule prior to that date. He will email the schedule to the board.
  • Kurt demonstrated the new laptop configuration and software. (Thanks Kurt)
  • Jeff has a meeting with Paul Collins 3/31 at 4:00pm and will continue to try to set up a meeting with Butch to finalize the grounds contract for 2005.
  • Jeff had a conversation and email dialogue with Annamarie DeCarlo who distributed information to Annapolis Cove resident members.

New Business:

  • The pool has been refilled and DRD has scheduled the pre-opening routine. The cover will be removed 3/31 and the Board will put up the temporary fence 4/2 at 11:00 am.
  • The AAC health inspection will occur within 2 weeks of the cover removal. Carlene will restock the First Aid supplies and also the cleaning supplies.
  • Jeff will consult with Grahame and determine how much there is in the budget for replacement of deck chairs and umbrellas.
  • Trina needs an updated membership list; swim team dates and BRPA use black out dates: Carlene will see that she get the information

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Bill Cable, Secretary