May 20, 2008 Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 8:00 PM at the Pool House. The President, Grahame Rice, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Grahame Rice, Kathleen Randolph, Pam Jacobson, Monica Mount, Rob Bontempo and Doug Vaughters.   A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business.  Also in attendance were Bruce Reiter, Paul Behrends, Diana Rode and Elizabeth Taylor.

2008-2009 Board Members
President:  Grahame Rice
Vice President:  Pam Jacobsen – charter member
Treasurer:  Lucy Mulhern (new board member)
Secretary:  Monica Mount

  1. Kathleen Randolph
  2. Doug Vaughters
  3. Claudia Auth
  4. Rob Bontempo
  5. Kurt Kartsen – charter member
  6. Morgan Wells (new board member)

Member at Large:  Jeff Gilbert
Rental Coordinator:  Paul Behrends
Annapolis Cove Representative:  Bruce Reiter
DRD Liason:  Elizabeth Taylor
Membership coordinator:  Diana Rode

Monday – Thursday 10am -8pm
Friday 10am – 9pm
Saturday 10am – 8pm
Sunday 11am – 8pm

Membership Renewal The status of membership renewals was discussed. Items addressed included:

  • We passed the health department inspection.
  • The online registration is in process.  Diana Rode has been sending e-mails to Bay Ridge Residents with information including validation codes.
  • 45 families have signed up from Annapolis Cove.  We need to contact about 25 families that joined last year and haven’t joined next.
  • Fliers will be delivered to all residents of Bay Ridge and Annapolis Cove with registration instructions.   It will inform people to go to the website, or register at the pool on opening day.    One side of the flier will be a paper application, the other side will describe how to join via online.  There will be different forms for AC and Bay Ridge.   To pay by check attach a check made out to “BRPA” if they are dropped off at the pool.   To pay by check online the checks get made out differently.  Grahame will send the application to Doug.   Doug will coordinate the flier distribution in Bay Ridge and Bruce Reiter will coordinate the distribution in Annapolis Cove.
  • The online system is supposed to generate a “paid” list, but we haven’t gotten it yet.  We need one table that we can manage.  The data is gathered by separate fields.  Grahame will follow-up.
  • For next year there will be a sign saying “Bay Ridge Pool Registration – send an e-mail to get your registration forms”
  • People can drop off checks with a paper form on opening day in the gate guard room.
  • The sign –up was confusing for AC, the drop down says something about charter membership vs. charter.  It should be updated to have a choice for Annapolis Cove.
  • We need a sign in the front entrance.
  • We need to check that people who sign up as charter members really have a charter membership.


  • Opening day party is from 5:30-10pm
  • The guard desk at the entrance will have a sign in sheet.  The guard will ask “Have you registered yet?”  If not, there will be a form to get the contact information.     The guard will allow the person to swim for the day & a board member will follow up.
  • The guards should check the paid list before they give a paid 2008 sticker.
  • Party – Bruce Reiter will bring speakers.
  • Menu – 3-4 cases beer;  $250 food (100 burger, 100 hot dogs)


  • Elizabeth will send the new pool hours to Heather for the newsletter.
  • Paul will look at rental agreement & see what changes need to be made because the pool will be open until 9pm on Friday.
  • After Memorial Day we are open every day.
  • 2 grills are working.  A burner is cracked on the 3rd grill.
  • Pool Parties with Dave Glaser playing music:

Saturday, June 14th
Saturday, July 20th
Saturday, August 16th (tentative)

  • Elizabeth will have a meeting with DRD regarding procedures which will include tying umbrellas when they are down, & removing them out of the stands every night, water flowers & water down the deck.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.

Respectfully submitted:
Monica Mount, Secretary
May 23, 2008