May 9, 2005 – General Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:25 PM at the Bay Ridge Community Clubhouse. The meeting was chaired by the President, Carlene Cassidy. Board Members present included: Paul Behrends, Chris Burkhardt, Grahame Rice, and Kurt Karsten. The five Board Members constitute a quorum for the conduct of Pool Association business.

Minutes Approved:
Reading of the minutes of the March 14, 2005 general membership meeting was waived. Kurt Karsten moved, and Grahame Rice seconded a motion to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved by a voice vote.

Treasurers Report:
Grahame Rice presented the current cash status of the Pool Association. In conjunction with the financial report, the following items were discussed:
• Membership status was addressed. It was noted that the membership renewals are currently approximately 35 memberships below budget. Grahame noted that he is continuing to receive renewals.

• Chris Burkhardt advised that Gita Humphreys and Pamela Jacobsen have offered to provide flowers for the pool house. Kurt Karsten moved that “Gita Humphreys and Pamela Jacobsen be authorized to spend not more than $250 for flowers.” The motion was seconded by Chris Burkhardt and passed with a voice vote.

• The replacement of barbecue grills was discussed. Kurt Karsten noted that appropriate grills are available from Home Depot for approximately $350 each. Paul Behrends moved that “Kurt Karsten be authorized to procure three replacement grills, for a total expense not to exceed $1200.” The motion was seconded by Grahame Rice, and passed with a voice vote.

Old Business:
Preparations for Opening Day – It was noted that Jeff Bach are coordinating the preparations for the opening day activities.
• It is anticipated that entertainment will be provided by Eric Wineberg. Jeff Bach will confirm this arrangement.
• The food will be provided by attendees on a potluck basis.
• The Pool Association will provide plates, eating utensils, and a keg of beer.
• It was suggested that signs be posted at the entrances to Bay Ridge and both sides of Annapolis Cove advertising the Opening Day, and inviting all community members to participate. Chris Burkhardt will coordinate the signs.

Monthly Potluck Parties – Preparations for the monthly potluck parties were discussed. Items addressed included:
• Chris Burkhardt advised that the parties are currently scheduled for Friday 17 June, Sunday 17 July, and Saturday 20 August.

• Gin Behrends moved that “Chris Burkhardt be authorized to contact Dave Glaser about playing at the pot luck evenings”. The motion was seconded by Kurt Karsten and passed by a voice vote.

• It was proposed that commercially made signs be used to advertise the potluck events (including opening day). Chris Burkhardt moved that “Carlene Cassidy be authorized to proceed in obtaining commercially prepared signs for the repeating events”. The motion was seconded by Gin Behrends, and passed with a voice vote.

Pool House Rentals – Pool facility rentals were discussed. Items addressed included:
• It was proposed that the Pool Association calendar be posted on the Association web site. This calendar should include Association wide events (swim team home meets, potlucks, etc.) and rental dates. Paul Behrends will contact Harry Irvey about creating the calendar, and determining whether the association would be able to update the calendar directly without going through the web-master.

• It was noted that, in order to ensure proper charging for rentals, the date for taking down the temporary pool edge fence needs to be identified in advance. Kurt Karsten noted that it usually is two weeks before opening. DRD will be queried to identify the precise date.

Pool Association ID Badges – Preparation of the Pool ID Badges was discussed. Items addressed included:
• Carlene Cassidy noted that she is preparing the badges. She will be working from membership renewal information provided by Grahame Rice.

• An email will be sent to all known members asking for head shot digital photos for the badges. For those who may not be able to provide digital photos, Carlene Cassidy will be available on Sunday, May 15th from 12:00 – 4:00 at 25 Upshur Ave (her house).

• It is not expected that all the badges will be issued before the pool season opens. For those who have not received their badges, it was proposed that they show a photo ID to the gatekeeper, who will then confirm that they are members of the Association. Paul Behrends stated that the database on the computer at the gate will be updated to reflect current membership status

New Business:
• Pool Operating Manual – Carlene Cassidy noted that DRD Management has developed a Pool Operating Manual for our pool. She noted that some of the information contained in the draft she has of the manual is either incorrect or out of date. She will take action to ensure that the correct information is provided to DRD for incorporation into the manual.

• Pool Association Meetings – It was proposed that the board and general membership meetings be held at the pool house during the summer. Carlene Cassidy proposed inviting the Community Association to hold their summer meetings at the pool house as well.

• Erosion Control – It was noted that work on the erosion control issues on the beach adjacent to the pool have started. In order to facilitate the work, the Pool Association is allowing the workers to use the Pool rest room facilities.

• DRD Preparations for the Season – Carlene Cassidy and Chris Burkhardt will meet with the DRD staff to make final arrangements for the season. Paul Behrends will also participate to provide training for the DRD personnel on use of the membership database.

Meeting Schedule:
The schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:
• Board Meetings – Tuesday, 31 May 2005; Tuesday, 28 June 2005.
• General Meetings – Monday, 13 June 2005; Monday, 11 July 2005.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary