Bay Ridge Our Community
November 14, 2011 General Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:00 PM at the BRCA Marina Clubhouse. The President, Pam Jacobsen, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Pam Jacobsen, Bill Thomas, Jay Green, Jeff Gilbert, Steve O’Hare, Kurt Karsten, and Paul Behrends. A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business. General membership attendees included: Pete Jacobsen, Debby Green, Gin Behrends, Bruce Reiter, Bill Davidson, Vince Ritts, Meriel Steines and Heather MacIntosh.
Financial Budget for 2012 –Pam Jacobsen presented the draft budget for the coming calendar year (2012). A copy of that draft budget is attached to this report, and will be posted separately on the Bay Ridge Pool web site. In the course of the discussion on the proposed budget the following items were addressed:
- The budget is based on an estimated total membership of 213 members, including:
- Bay Ridge Regular: 150
- Resident Annual: 1
- Single Member: 2
- Annapolis Cove Regular: 60
Based on this membership estimate, and projected income from facility rentals ($7,800), the projected income for the year 2012 will be $137,970. The projected expenses will be $137,056, which will result in a net positive balance of $914.
- It was noted that the BRPA is facing significant capital expenses in the coming years. The major items include:
- Baby Pool resurfacing repairs
- Poolside furniture replacement
- Main pool resurfacing
- Structural repairs to the clubhouse exterior
- While reserves exist to cover these expenses, a need to replenish the reserves is recognized. Various means of increasing the ancillary income were discussed.
- Jay Green noted that more member activity would help. He also suggested fund raising parties, as well as added contributions by members. One proposal would be a “Memorial Walkway” which would have “memorial bricks.” It was suggested that the first brick be to recognize Grahame Rice.
- It was also suggested that there is a need to generate contributions to the Capital Reserves line of the budget. Steve O’Hare is tasked with fund raising to that purpose. The goal of this fund raising effort is set at approximately $1,000/month.
- In order to support the proposed budget, the dues for 2011 will be based on essentially a 3% raise in the rate. By category, the proposed rates are:
- Bay Ridge Regular: $430
- Bay Ridge Annual: $800
- Single: $300
- Annapolis Cove Regular: $830 (No change from 2011).
Motion: Jay Green moved that “The proposed budget for 2012 be accepted.” The motion was seconded by Pete Jacobsen and passed by a voice vote.
ByLaws Review – Pam Jacobsen reported that the required 5 year bylaws review has been completed. She reviewed the proposed changes to the bylaws, which included:
- Modified the notification requirements for calling or canceling meetings from simply posting at the entrance to Bay Ridge to read “Provide adequate notice” . “Adequate means of notification” which would include email, posting on the web sites, etc.
- Reduced the number of general meetings from essentially monthly to be only in May and November.
- Add a statement that states that “Baby Sitter” passes will be used only for those baby sitters who are not residents of either Bay Ridge or Annapolis Cove, otherwise the baby sitter will require her own BRPA membership for pool access.
- The requirement that 2 board members also serve on the BRCA board was changed by reducing to 1 board member to match the BRCA ByLaws.
- Exempted the Secretary from the term limits of this section.
- Changed the contracting authority limit from $750 to $5,000
- Remove the requirement for dual signatures for payments greater than $500.
- Removed double signature requirement on large checks.
- Removed the term limit for the office of Secretary.
- Modified voting rules to allow not more than two votes per membership.
Motion: Kurt Karsten moved that “the revised ByLaws be approved.” The motion was seconded by Bill Davidson, and passed (for the initial reading) by a voice vote.
As required by the current ByLaws, this revision will require a second reading and vote. The second reading will take place at a special meeting, scheduled for 5 December 2011.
New Business
Recycling – Recycling by the BRPA was discussed. Heather MacIntosh wanted to insure that recycling was added to the pool during the season. The Board agreed that BRPA would sign-up for the county’s commercial recycling program, purchase 3 – 4 96 gallon recycling containers with lids for use and make sure the material is put at the curb weekly. We do not have an agreed upon plan to get them to the curb, yet but Bill Thomas will make sure that happens weekly throughout the season.
Meeting Schedule:
The official schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:
- General Meeting –Special meeting to approve ByLaw changes: Monday, 5 December 2011 at the BRPA Pool House.
- Board Meeting – To be held concurrent with the Special General Membership meeting on Monday, 5 December 2011 at the BRPA Pool House
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 7:46 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary