October 9, 2012 Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:42 PM at the BRPA Clubhouse. The President, Bill Thomas chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Bill Thomas, Paul Behrends,  Pam Jacobsen, Sherrie Kelley, and Jay Green. Dan Phelps represented Annapolis Cove as a non-voting member of the Board.

The Board Members attending represent a quorum which allows the board to conduct formal business.

Reading of the Minutes – The reading of the minutes of the 11 September 2012 Board meeting was waived because the meeting minutes were reviewed by the board via email, and the corrected version has been posted on the BRPA web site.

Current Conditions – Bill Thomas noted that the pool is now completely secured for the winter.  In accomplishing this:

  • Pool cover is installed.
  • Heat has been provided in the pump room and the party room.
  • Replacement pool cover anchors have been properly set. It was noted that the old anchors cannot be easily removed, and will remain for the present time.
  • Ground floor bathrooms have been winterized.
  • All pool side furniture has been stored indoors for the winter.

Pool and Facility Maintenance – Jay Green discussed maintenance plans for the winter.  These included:

  • A number of pool water valve handles have become severely corroded.  The problem is that the valve bodies are corrosion resistant; however, the handles are made out of mild steel, which is prone to corrosion in a chlorinated atmosphere.  Jay contacted the valve manufacturer and obtained CRES replacement handles.  He will replace the handles as an ongoing maintenance task.
  • It was noted that a section of the wooden poolside decking has failed.  The failed section will be replaced with a new section made of  synthetic deck materials.  The first step will be the demolition of the existing failed module.
  • The poolside drinking fountains are significantly corroded.  Jay has identified corrosion resistant replacements.  These replacement drinking fountains are priced at $200 each.  Jay will procure and replace two drinking fountains.
  • It was noted that the current phase of walkway restoration has been completed.  The proposed next phase would include berms to redirect and control storm water run off, and separate the grassy area from the parking lot.
  • The question of funding the Automatic Emergency Defibrillator for use at the pool.  The association is currently leasing it from DRD.  Bill Thomas proposed that it might be able to be funded as a contribution to the pool operation as a donation from a BR family. Bill Thomas will follow-up with the family in lieu of leasing again in 2013 from DRD.

Membership Status – Pan Jacobsen provided an update on her review of Charter Memberships. Items addressed included:

  • The review is an attempt to confirm the accuracy of the records of charter membership purchases, especially the proper transfer of such membership when property is sold.
  • Although the review is close to completion, some questions remain on the current status some  Charter Memberships.
  • Among other areas, Pam wants to review pool records for activity on what appear to be unused Charter Memberships.

Finances – Sherrie Kelley reviewed the current financial status of the association.  Items noted included:

  • The BRPA currently has approximately $147K in cash.  Income to date is $74160.
  • The finance sub-committee will meet to address the specific line items in the coming year’s budget. This meeting is scheduled for 26 October at 8:30 AM at Grump’s Café.
  • Bill Thomas discussed the capital replacement funding.  The requirement is currently estimated to be $157K over 5 years, and $267K over the next 10 years.  These include the cost of replastering the pool ($55-60K).  A detailed capital item replacement schedule has been developed and will be added in – place beginning with 2013 financials.
  • A major portion of the funds for the capital replacement fund will come from fund raising and membership dues while implementing additional cost cutting from year to year.
  • The goal for capital funds accumulation is $30K per year ($12k from annual fundraising and $20k from cutting expenses year to year). This year, with the fund raisers that have been held we are currently close to that amount, plus savings accumulated from cutting costs at current membership rates.

Community Events – The BRPA Board has been giving consideration to hosting a Thanksgiving Day “Turkey Trot” 5K run/walk.  The main goal is community participation along with a secondary purpose of raising funds for the BRPA.  Bill Thomas noted that the effort still lacks a Chairman, and an organizing committee.  He will continue looking for a chairman and supporting committee.  If he is unable to get event management, it will be canceled.

Management Contract Renewal – Bill Thomas noted that our Pool Management Contract comes up for renewal this coming season.  The status of preparations for the new contract includes:

  • Bill Thomas has received a proposal from DRD for the coming year.
  • Bill has also received a proposal from USA Aquatics for the contract.
  • The two proposals are within 10% of each other in proposal costs.
  • Bill will continue negotiations to try to get  the best price, for equivalent work.

Meeting Schedule – The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13 November 2012, at the Pool House.

Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 9:35PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul O. Behrends
BRPA Secretary