Bay Ridge Our Community
September 11, 2012 Board Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:52 PM at the BRPA Clubhouse. The President, Bill Thomas chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Bill Thomas, Paul Behrends, Pam Jacobsen, Sherrie Kelley, Jeff Gilbert and Kurt Karsten. The Board Members attending represent a quorum which allows the board to conduct formal business.
Reading of the Minutes – The reading of the minutes of the7 August 2012 Board meeting was waived because the meeting minutes were reviewed by the board via email, and the corrected version has been posted on the BRPA web site.
Community Sponsored Parties
Closing Day Party – The Closing Day Party activities were discussed. Items addressed included:
- Community Participation – It was noted that, in spite of severe weather conditions, between 150 and 200 people attended the event. The party planners were surprised at the response. The consensus of the planners and attendees is that the party was a success, and plans should be made to ensure that a similar party (luau style) be held next year as a closing day party.
- Party Planning – The fact that this party was a late addition to the schedule meant that there was only a limited amount of planning time available. While the planning team approached the effort enthusiastically, it was noted that there were several examples of planning shortfalls. Beverage consumption was under-estimated, there were some cases of needed items being overlooked in the planning process. On the up-side the planners were able to respond to these shortages in a timely manner.
- Children’s activity – It was noted that there were several examples of inappropriate behavior resulting from lack of supervision of the children. the lifeguards monitored those children in the pool, but several children were unsupervised in the pool house party room. For future planning, further attention needs to be taken with regard to supervision of the attending children.
- Party Finances – A review of the preliminary data indicates that the event was successful as a fund raising event. The $20/head cost did not appear to be a deterrent. Although there was not enough data to fully quantify the financial picture, it appears that the party turned a significant profit. Gross receipts were just over $4,600 with a net of about $2,600.
- Summary – The party was a great success and should be repeated next year. Planning for next year’s party should start earlier to ensure more thorough arrangements.
Turkey Trot Race – The proposed Thanksgiving Day race/run/walk event was discussed. Items addressed included:
- Event Schedule – Although it is recognized that this event is a traditional Thanksgiving morning event. A more detailed schedule remains to be developed.
- Event Planning – Bill Thomas noted that planning for this event should be started soon. He feels that a planning committee needs to be established. It was noted that a chair for the event has not been identified. Jeff Gilbert proposed that Morgan Wells be asked to chair the event, based on his experience.
- Event Advertising – The discussion indicated that, for the event to be successful, it will need to be advertised. Jeff Gilbert volunteered to spearhead the event advertising.
BRPA Finances – Sherrie Kelley advised the board that the Financial Committee is investigating the refinancing of the loan on the pool. Items addressed in the discussion included:
- Kurt Karsten noted that this will be the third refinancing of the loan. The current loan was initiated in 2009.
- Sherrie indicated that several banks were contacted, while the best offer appears to be Severn Savings Bank. She also noted that all the loan proposals had some sort of rate adjustment provision.
- The new payments would be less than is currently being made. It was proposed that the difference in payments be put in the Capital account. The difference in payments is about $160 per month less.
- There was considerable discussion on comparing the details of the various loans.
Motion: Pam Jacobsen moved that “BRPA accept the loan offered by Severn Savings Bank.” The motion was seconded by Kurt Karsten, and passed with a voice vote.
Motion: Kurt Karsten moved that “BRPA transfer approximately $20,000 in our operating account to one of our savings accounts to support long term maintenance items.” The motion was seconded by Sherrie Kelley and passed with a voice vote.
Membership Issues – Sherrie Kelley discussed the status of membership. It was noted that one new member recently bought the bond for regular membership. Since the member joined the Association so late in the season, the annual dues were prorated to account for late joining.
The membership data over the past few years indicate that there has been trend in loss of membership from Annapolis Cove. Initial perception is that the decline is due to “aging out of the pool market range.” Bill Thomas proposed that an additional part of the problem is a lack of “marketing the advantages of pool membership to Annapolis Cove.”
Pool Activities – Several pool activities were reviewed. These included:
Swimming Lessons – The swimming lessons received great approval from the children participating. The instructor is expected to come back next year.
Diving Lessons – The diving lessons had good response from participants and their parents. It appears to have broken even financially.
Pool Maintenance – Several items of pool maintenance were discussed. Included were:
- It was noted that loose stones at top of wall at the bay end of the pool need to be fixed.
- Kurt Karsten noted that the county is willing to support the BRPA intent to defer the replacement of equalizer drains to coincide with a need to drain the pool, such as a need to replaster the pool.
Meeting Schedule – The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, 9 October 2012, at the Pool House.
Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Paul O. Behrends
BRPA Secretary