September 26, 2006 Board Meeting

The meeting convened at 7:12 PM at the Pool. The President, Doug Vaughters, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Paul Behrends, Carlene Cassidy, Pam Jacobsen, Kurt Karsten, Monica Mount, Grahame Rice, and Elizabeth Taylor. Also attending was Lisa Chmael, Pool Rental Chair.  A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business.

Minutes Approved:
Reading of the minutes for the July Board Meeting was waived.  The meeting minutes were approved as posted on the BRPA Web Page.

Old Business:

BRPA Financial Reserves – Grahame Rice reported on his efforts at evaluating the status and adequacy of the financial reserves held by the BRPA. The current status of this effort includes:

  • The review consisted of an initial review of the financial reserves, followed by a careful review of the pool facility by a representative of a pool construction firm (Atlantic Pools, Inc.).  The result is an expected repair to the pool facility in the future.
  • Several items were identified for immediate attention.  These included: pool perimeter caulking; replacement of damaged waterline tile; and replacement of the filter tank sand for both the main pool and the wading pool.  A rough estimate of the total cost of these repairs is $9,000. Carlene Cassidy moved that “Grahame Rice be authorized to expend up to $10,000 for the most urgent pool repair issues (caulking, tile repair and filter sand).”  The motion was seconded by Paul Behrends and passed with a voice vote.
  • Grahame Rice noted that the current capital reserve fund balance is approximately $46,000, and the operating fund balance is approximately $115,000.  In view of the anticipated future expenses he proposed that $60,000 of the operating funds be used to bolster the reserve account against future expenses.
  • After discussion, Carlene Cassidy moved that “the Treasurer transfer $60,000 from operating funds to a CD or Money Market account to earn more interest on funds which we don not anticipate needing until next year”.  The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Taylor and passe by a voice vote.
  • Grahame Rice will pursue obtaining more detailed estimates for the anticipated repairs identified above.

Pool Closure Issues – Doug Vaughters noted that he had received a call from a BRPA member who is concerned about pool closures resulting from fecal accidents.  The member proposed the imposition of a “clean-up” fee to the family whose child had the accident.  The member felt that the “clean-up” fee would encourage the parents to keep non-trained children in the baby pool and out of the main pool.  The Board discussed the proposal and its implications. Items addressed included:

  • The pool is closed when there has been a fecal accident for two reasons.  One is to avoid contaminating pool members, and the second is the need to remove the material and heavily treat the water with chlorine to eliminate the possible spread of infection from the contamination.
  • It was noted that the member addressed children in swim diapers.  However, the Board doesn’t have any hard evidence about the age children involved in the accidents.
  • Chris Burkhardt asked whether most of our mishaps this summer caused by children who were nominally trained, and beyond the use of swim diapers.  Monica Mount noted that we don’t have any immediate evidence concerning the ages of the offending children.  It was the board’s consensus that 50% of the accidents were caused by toilet trained children.
  • Kurt Karsten noted that he has a hard time seeing how a fee would accomplish deterrence unless we have repeat offenders and I’m not sure it is a punishable offense or one we should exact retribution for on behalf of the members unless, again, we have repeat offenders.
  • Carlene Cassidy noted that if we impose a “clean-up” fee, people would probably not come forward to let the lifeguards know that there has been an accident and it will be left to be discovered.  Several other members voiced similar concerns about the effectiveness of a “clean-up” fee.
  • Pam Jacobsen stated that she feels  that an open letter to the pool membership prior to next season discussing the impacts of fecal accidents including:
  • The cost of chemicals to the pool to treat an accident, and the financial impact on future membership dues.
  • The time involved for clean up and the time for the pool to recover after the use of chemicals.
  • Pam Jacobsen also noted that it comes down to the parent’s education of their children.
  • Elizabeth Taylor noted that the president of the Hillsmere Pool Board discussed the use of swim diapers in pools.  He noted that the Hillsmere Pool has not allowed them in the past. Some member families are asking for them to be allowed.  When asked how many fecal contamination incidents they had had this summer, he responded that they have had none.

At the conclusion of the discussion, Doug Vaughters thanked the Board members for their inputs. He added that enforcement of a “clean-up” fee would be very difficult, and would probably be non-productive for the reasons stated above.  If a repeat offender is identified, a specific action will be taken by the board to address the problem with the member in question.

Pam Jacobsen moved that “The Board publish an article to the Association membership presenting the impacts from fecal accidents and requesting parents to be cautious about allowing untrained or recently trained children to use the main pool.” The motion was seconded by Elizabeth Taylor and passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Pool Management Contract Issues – It was noted that the current pool management contract expires at the end of this season.  In discussing future plans for pool management, the following items were addressed:

  • A review of local pool management firms indicates that three firms are considered acceptable for managing our pool.  They are DRD, Anchor Aquatics Pool Management, and American Pool Management.
  • Doug Vaughters met with officers of the Hillsmere Pool Association as a part of the preparations for contract discussions.  He queried them about their satisfaction with the pool management firm they were using this year.
  • Elizabeth Taylor noted that she had received a draft contract from DRD for the next year.  The contract was passed to Kurt Karsten for his review.
  • It was noted that the contract did include gate guard coverage from noon to 7:00 PM daily.
  • In view of the unsolicited proposed contract (one year term), Kurt Karsten suggested that Elizabeth Taylor respond to DRD and ask if they would be willing to make it a two year contract with the same rates.
  • With regard to the current contract, Doug Vaughters had a telephone conversation with DRD senior management (Rick Watts) to discuss the manning issues and the closure of the deep end between 10-12 AM and 7 to 8 PM.   DRD offered to use a licensed lifeguard for the gate guard position during the hours of 10-12 and 7-8.  This will allow a 3-guard rotation, freeing up the deep end during all pool hours and the gate guard position will also always be staffed.  This will be done free of charge.

Repair Issues – Continuing repair items were discussed.  Items addressed included:

  • The sheathing on the pillars upstairs is in need of replacement.  Grahame Rice will pursue getting the services of Kevin Cline’s maintenance assistant (Blair) to accomplish this task and quote on repair of the large dormer/overhang.  Actual scheduling of the work will be coordinated through Lisa Chmael to avoid impacting facility rentals.
  • Annapolis Painting has been authorized to paint the Party Room.
  • Kurt Karsten noted that the electric heater in the machinery room is apparently inoperative.  This 15Kw heater provides heat to keep the machinery and piping from freezing in winter weather.  Because of the size of the heater, replacement may cost as much as $3,000. Kurt Karsten moved that “The Board contact Weisman Electric to either fix or replace the heater.” The motion was seconded by Grahame Rice and passed with a voice vote.
  • Noelle Navarro had advised Elizabeth that the pool side umbrellas were in need of repair or replacement.  It was noted that this is not an item of immediate urgency; however, it does need to be done before the pool reopens next year.  Grahame Rice will investigate possible sources for replacement umbrellas.

Job Reassignments – The following Pool Association jobs were reassigned at this meeting:

  • On line facility rental calendar updates – Paul Behrends
  • Preparation of member photo ID name tags – Monica Mount.

Bay Ridge Pool Association Web Site – Paul Behrends reported that the final changes to the web site design are being addressed. Items addressed included:

  • When ready, the web site ( will be made the active site.
  • Separate User IDs and passwords will be established for Bay Ridge members and Annapolis Cove members.  User ID and password information will be forwarded to Pool Association members to allow their access to the new site.
  • The forms and information addressing joining the Pool Association will be moved to the public portion of the web site.
  • As a result of technical difficulties, Lisa Chmael has been unable to update the rental calendar on the web site.  As an interim step, Paul Behrends will assume that function.

New Business:

No new business was discussed at this meeting.

Meeting Schedule:
The schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:

  •       General Meeting – Monday, November 13, 2006 at the BRCA Marina Club House.

Presentation of the budget for the 2007 season.

  • Board Meeting – Tuesday, October 31, 2006 at the BRPA Pool House.

Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary