Bay Ridge Our Community
September 28, 2005 – Board Meeting
The meeting convened at 7:13 PM at the home of Carlene Cassidy. The meeting was chaired by the President, Carlene Cassidy. Board Members present included: Carlene Cassidy, Jeff Bach, Paul Behrends, Chris Burkhardt, Grahame Rice, Elizabeth Taylor, and Doug Vaughters. Monica Mount, chairperson of the pool rental committee was also present. A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business.
Minutes Approved
Reading of the minutes for the July 26 Board Meeting was waived by a voice vote. The meeting minutes were approved as posted on the BRPA Web Page.
Financial Report
Carlene Cassidy presented the report of the current financial status, as prepared in advance by the treasurer. The report was reviewed by the Board members present. She noted that the current status of the Association Operating Funds is:
Total funds on hand………….$140,596
Total Operations funds….…….$91,298
Total Reserve…………………..$45,482
SwimTeam funds………………$3,8155
The last major payment (DRD Management) has been paid. Current performance to budget appears to be within expected ranges. While there is a significant balance, he noted that the Association needs to prioritize the several major capital projects currently under consideration in order to ensure the most appropriate use of the Associations funds.
In the course of discussion, it was noted that the charges by Calvert Trash this year are higher than they were last year. Carlene Cassidy requested that Paul Behrends contact the firm and confirm that they are only picking up trash one day a week now that the pool season is over.
The complete treasurer’s report is attached.
Old Business
Contract Review Status – Doug Vaughters addressed the status of the review of the pool management contract. Items addressed included:
- He noted that he needs detailed information on the proposed scope of work in order to adequately draft a new formal Request for Proposal.
- Jeff Bach noted that the last contract review did not have a formal RFP. The previous contract negotiations consisted of telephone discussions of the proposed scope of work based on what was proposed by the incumbent. These discussions led to the alternate firms quoting a price for the addressed scope of work.
- It was suggested that the current contract be used as a guide in developing a new formal Request for Proposal.
- It was further noted that the new RFP should include a penalty clause for non-performance to the contract.
Membership Renewal Status – The approach for getting next year’s membership renewals was discussed. Items addressed included:
- The time planned frame includes sending out the renewal notices in February, and calling for memberships dues to be paid in March.
- It was also noted that emphasis is needed in advertising the Non-Resident (Annapolis Cove) memberships. The point that the current Non-Resident members are not about to be pushed out of the association needs continuing emphasis.
Annual Budget Development – Preparation of the annual budget was discussed. Issues addressed included:
- Jeff Bach and Grahame Rice will prepare the draft 2006 Association Budget. The draft will be needed to support the November General membership meeting.
- In addition to the annual operating budget, the combined budget will need to include a Capital Budget to cover major repair and improvement projects.
Repair Issues – Major facility repair items were discussed. Items addressed included:
- Areas of the stucco coating on the exterior of the building are in need of repair. The work is beyond the capability of the membership. As a result, an estimate for the repair work is needed for budgeting purposes. Jeff Bach agreed to obtain the estimate.
- There are several plumbing leaks from piping to/from the party room. The party room kitchen corner sink drain is apparently leaking into the main floor breezeway. In addition, there appears to be from a “dead-ended” pipe section in the overhead area. These repairs will require removal of the ceiling wallboard in the breezeway. It is felt that the wallboard removal and replacement can be done by Association member volunteers. The plumbing issues will probably require the services of a plumber. Paul Behrends agreed to obtain estimates for that work.
- It was noted that Mark Krawczewicz successfully completed refinishing the floor in the party room.
- Replacement of the center doors to the party room was discussed. These doors were from the original Bay Ridge Inn structure. However, the doors have sagged, and do not have an adequate seal. It was agreed that the doors will require replacement. F
- Maintenance of the main floor rest-room floors has been a continuing issue. The mats used in those spaces are difficult to keep clean, and make cleaning the floors more difficult. Carlene Cassidy will contact DRD about their proposed non-skid material for the floors. The use of non-skid would eliminate the need for the mats, and make maintenance of the spaces easier.
New Business: There was no new business discussed.
Meeting Schedule
The schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:
- Board Meeting – Monday, 25 October 2005.
- General Meeting – Monday, 10 October 2005.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Paul Behrends, Secretary