The BR Battlecry

We’re a community of thinkers, do-ers, creators. Look what we accomplished in 2000: When the Big Woods needed us, we were there. More than $4 million was raised in 15 months. A true David & Goliath story—our collective, creative force overcame some enormous obstacles.

And look at the results. Instead of a packed development of 162 new homes, we saved 90 acres of magnificent forest that truly defines this community. Our Bay Ridge Woods is a living part of us now, it’s in our DNA—it’s at the heart of our community’s ecosystem, working to help us breathe fresh air, nourish our ground water, protect the Bay and preserve our quality of life. Think about that for a second. Pretty amazing.

The precipice

The struggle is real. Really!
The struggle is real. Really!

Here’s the thing. Simply put? Our trees need sun and air. When purchased, the woods had been neglected for almost 100 years.

Since then, the Forest Management Committee, some community members, and private contractors have done much of the heavy lifting to clear the woods, but we have an ongoing problem with fast-growing, non-native invasive vines. They grow inches at a time, wrap around our trees and choke them of the light and energy they need.

The solution
These vines are fairly easy to remove—all the woods needs is routine maintenance. Hands with clippers can liberate the trees from the vines. This simple task will produce profound results that will benefit our woods now and well into the future with a high healthy forest canopy. Can you feel the battlecry? Let’s free the trees!

When you think about who we are as a community—compassionate & committed people—we thought this deserved a specialized program. And in true BR spirit, this needs to be done with panache. And it will be fun. And it will have impact.

Learn more about Adopt-a-Plot!


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