The honor system!

Facebook friends!

We launched the Bay Ridge Exchange on Facebook several years ago as an “unofficial” bulletin board or community exchange—managed by volunteers.
We laid down the following ground rules (listed in the description) to keep it clean and purposeful—and have moderated it through an an approval process.
  1. This is a community bulletin board. Please do not use this forum to promote personal businesses, services or products.
  2. Please refrain from airing grievances, personal attacks, or any messaging meant to slander anyone for any reason.
  3. Please do not post any lewd, obscene or profane content.
  4. Please remember to respect each other and others ideas and opinions.

Over the years, the approval process has been important mostly to flag a good many posts for # 1. A few of # 2.

See, here’s the thing. Many of us run our own businesses out of our homes—we’re teachers, contractors, offerers of services, artists. So awesome. Many, many posts have been checked that fall under the “business”-promotional bucket—which we want to keep this free from. It’s a blurry area at times, but we’ve worked hard to keep this non-promotional. More here in a bit.*

The BRX has become a useful tool for lots of timely stuff like—dude, where’s my dog? Or—don’t go through town right now! Or—anyone catch this rainbow? You get the picture.

We’re going Honor System, y’all. We’re removing this approval system ‘cuz it’s just not very timely. And we’re all pretty awesome, and I know will respect our little rules. Should anyone stray and post something inappropriate, we’ll remove it and repeat offenders will be blocked from the group. If it doesn’t work, we’ll fold it back in.

The training wheels are off! Thanks so much to all of you for your pictures, killer stuff for sale, helpful community info, reminders, and good questions. Keep ’em coming.

* We do need to create a business listing—separate from here—of the products + services that BR residents offer. This has been on our to-do list forever, but we’re super busy volunteers and haven’t got to it yet. (A list is fine, but even better would be something that folks could search on to actually find what they need. I’m sure there’s some kind of off-the-shelf directory tool that we could find… anyone want to help out here? Drop us an email emailblast at bayridge dot org, if so!)

While I’m at it, we also approve members. We get gobs of folks trying to gain access from outside of the hood; which isn’t the end of the world, but this is a community bulletin board with pics of kids, etc. Anyone wanna help me approve these folks when they come in? It’s a matter of ensuring they’re in the directory, working with Cheryl Lytle if not, then messaging them directly to see where they live. I’ve got 30+ in the queue now to research. Anyone?

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