Bay Ridge Our Community
Adopt-a-Plot is a very unique “ask”. Adopting a personal acre of woods? Bay Ridge residents didn’t hesitate to accept the challenge. That’s what so awesome about the folks who live here.
What’s even better? Adopters, or Woods Warriors, are having fun doing it–together with a family or friends–or just to be alone with nature for a minute amidst the holiday chaos. (Sounds good, doesn’t it?)
We felt compelled to share a few excepts from our Woods Warrior’s online reports:
- Great family activity!
- It’s really cool to feel ownership here–that you actually are playing a role in helping your particular trees thrive. We will likely return soon–it’s a wonderful way to power-down for a few hours, while doing some good.
- Do it! And feel good about the investment of your time — a couple of hours could mean years more for a tree.
- It was a great afternoon with my kids! They had a picnic on the BW Creek shoreline, picked up litter and helped with some clipping. Can’t wait to get back in there to finish up!!
Woods Warriors: We appreciated the few questions we received—mainly stemming around the difference in the winter of English Ivy & Poison Ivy. So, we’ve added some tips into our resource gallery here to help clarify (with handy visuals, too–like the one above!)
And, let’s hear from you! We’d love to know how it went, what you found & what you think. Get out now while it’s warm!
Want to join the fun? If you’d like to adopt, we’re prepping some new plots for adoption in 2016. Just email adoptaplot at bayridge dot org.