September 7, 2010 General Meeting

The meeting convened at 8:11 PM at the BRCA Marina Clubhouse. The President, Pam Jacobsen, chaired the meeting. Board Members present included: Pam Jacobsen, Grahame Rice,  Sherrie Kelley, Morgan Wells, Kurt Karsten, Jeff Gilbert and Paul Behrends. A quorum was present to allow the board to transact business. Gin Behrends attended the meeting as a member of the Association.

Old Business

Treasurer’s Report

Sherrie Kelley presented a report on the current financial status of the association. A copy of the report is attached. She noted that there is enough cash to cover to the end of the year. During the review of the report, the following points were addressed:

  • Sherrie Kelley noted that, while cash was available to cover the identified expenses for the rest of the year, the association was running an estimated $10,000 deficit for the year.
  • Sherrie noted that the association has a large balance in the operating account. Grahame suggested that consideration should be given to moving a portion of those funds into a higher paying account such as a short term CD. He noted that it would be imprudent to put the money into a long term account, resulting in it not being available for capital needs (major repairs or equipment replacement).

Membership Status

Grahame Rice discussed the current status of membership. Items addressed included:

  • Grahame Rice noted that that income had been dropping over the last two years. Membership has decreased in all categories (BRPA Regular, Annual and Annapolis Cove). It would appear that these losses are the result of two factors: economic conditions, and the aging of the residents (resulting in less interest in belonging to the Pool Association). Two years ago, the association had the additional problem of a less than effective and efficient membership renewal process. Last year, the membership drive was delayed in getting a new, locally developed system in place.
  • Possible approaches to increasing income were discussed. These included:
    • Increasing the annual dues by about $20 per membership. Based on the current membership rolls, this would close the gap in the budget. However, there is some concern that the rise in membership dues may result in reduced membership.
    • Mounting an active member recruiting campaign, which would include better publicity, and the possibility of alternate membership categories that would address the needs of the aging population. In addition, it was proposed to offer additional scheduled activities at the pool, such as Water Aerobics, Adult Swim Classes, Springboard Diving Classes, etc.
    • Kurt Karsten offered the thought that the benefits of BRPA membership can be a significant factor in increasing its market share. There was significant discussion on rate comparisons with other local community pools.
    • Expanding the communities serviced by our pool. Kurt Karsten noted that, as far as the county and the IRS are concerned, BRPA could open it membership eligibility to include nearby neighborhoods (such as Anchorage and Annapolis Roads). The only requirement would be that the BRPA be run by Bay Ridge residents.
    • Giving consideration to renting the facility directly to non-members (including non-community members). These rentals could be charged at a higher rate than the members costs, and should also include significant security deposit Requirements. As the Rental Coordinator, Paul Behrends questioned the level of additional work required to support this effort. It could prove to be excessive for a volunteer organization.
  • Discussion indicated that the current renewal process (same as last year) is in place, and can be made active whenever desired. It is expected that BRPA will be able to start renewals early next calendar year.

Motion: As a result of the discussions, Grahame Rice moved “The Board investigate membership rates charged by other local community pool associations, as a means of establishing proposed rates for the Pool Association for the coming year.” The motion was seconded by Morgan Wells and passed with a voice vote.

Guest Fees

The collection of member guest fees was discussed. Items addressed included:

  • It was noted that, although member guest data had been collected during the pool season, that data was not converted into bills to the individual members.
  • Jeff Gilbert proposed using a guest card with punch-out points for each guest brought to the pool. The board will give further consideration to this approach.
  • The method of billing for “small pool party” guests was discussed, but without resolution. There appears to be some disagreement on the meaning of the words in the Rental Guidelines.

Pool Rental Status

Paul Behrends noted that the pool facility has been rented for specific events 13 times thus far this year. In addition there have been six Yoga class series this year.

Use of Pool Facilities by Unauthorized Individuals

Morgan Wells described a situation on 5 September, where he observed an individual, who used to be a Bay Ridge resident (and member of the BRPA), using the pool. This individual has a history of using the pool facilities well after she moved from the community, and stopped paying annual dues. When he approached the individual and advised that she was not authorized to use the pool, the individual indicated that she still held a regular membership, and would continue to use the pool facilities.  It should be noted that the membership has not been paid up for the last 2 years. This individual has been repeatedly advised that, because she is no longer a resident of Bay Ridge or Annapolis Cove, and she is in arrears in annual dues, she is not eligible to use the pool facilities. The board is considering taking formal action to prevent the individual from continuing to abuse the BRPA rules on use of the facilities.

Parking Lot Use

Morgan Wells noted that the pool parking lot is being regularly used by non-residents. Items addressed in this discussion included:

  • It is his opinion that these non-residents park at the pool parking lot while using what they believe to be public beaches in Bay Ridge. In the discussion it was noted that all Bay Ridge residents are allowed the used of the parking lot.
  • After hours use of the parking lot has been reduced through the installation of the new gate structure. However, there is evidence of individuals accessing the parking lot from the CBF entrance road, and over the unpaved grass area to the lot.
  • It is felt that more prominent signage may help in making clear the fact that the facility is private property.

Pool Facility Security

Jeff Gilbert reported on the status of surveillance video coverage of the facility.  Items addressed include:

  • The cameras and monitor have been installed and are operating. In showing the system to Officer Olds, it was noted that the parking lot camera allowed reading the license number of vehicles entering or leaving the parking lot.
  • Some initial signs advising video surveillance is in process have been posted. Morgan Wells will get additional signs to post, with the thought that greater awareness may reduce the vandalism rate.

As an outgrowth of the video surveillance effort, general security was discussed.

  • It was noted that one of the poolside closets appears to have been jimmied.
  • There is evidence that late night access to the pool facility is occurring over the “back fence” (adjacent to CBF). In this initial discussion, no reasonable actions were defined to reduce this access.

Motion: Kurt Karsten moved that “The BRPA Board investigate new signage for the parking lot, and report the results of this investigation at the next board meeting.” The motion was seconded by Grahame Rice and approved by a voice vote.

Pool And Facility Maintenance

Pool and facility maintenance was discussed. Items addressed included:

  • Grahame Rice discussed the need for some end of season pool clean up and repairs. He has scheduled a clean-up day for Saturday, 2 October 2010. It was noted that DRD would install the cover on the pool the week of 27 September 2010. At that time, all the pool furniture would be stored in the ground floor rest rooms.
  • The question of repairing or replacing the damaged diving board remains unresolved. Costs to replace the board have been obtained; however, the cost and means of repairing the board (replacing non-skid coating) are still under investigation. A proposed alternative would be the replacement of the diving board with a water slide. Discussion indicated that this change could affect the pool insurance requirements.
  • Arrangements are being made to install hot air hand dryers for the ground floor rest rooms. At the present time, electrical work to provide power to the dryers remains to be scheduled.
  • Pam Jacobsen noted that BRPA and BRCA are in discussions on tree trimming and tree removal at the pool facility. Normally, these costs are shared between BRPA and BRCA.
  • Pam Jacobsen noted that the party room needs more thorough cleaning. Paul Behrends stated that he is working the cleaning firm to obtain an estimate for periodic cleaning, not related to rental use.

Solar Energy Project

Kurt Karsten discussed the current status of the proposed installation of a photo-voltaic power system at the pool. The discussion included:

  • Kurt noted that, based on the lack of positive response from the BRPA, the Bay Ridge Energy Committee has stopped work on this project.
  • It appears that the BRPA objections to the project are twofold: BRPA assuming a sizeable financial obligation, and the perceived aesthetics of the structure at pool side. Both Gin Behrends and Pam Jacobsen voiced these concerns.
  • Although the proposals and other information presented to the BRPA for their consideration addressed only one location and configuration, Kurt noted that the location was not locked in. Other locations could be considered.
  • It was noted that the project would require considerable supervision and oversight by the BRPA. This added effort would be a significant additional burden on the all volunteer Board.
  • Grahame Rice suggested that the project be undertaken by BRCA, and the pool would be a sole user of the power produced.

New Business

No new business was brought before the board.

Meeting Schedule

The official schedule for future meetings of the Pool Association and its Board of Directors includes:

  • General Meeting –Monday, November 1, 2010 at the BRCA Marina clubhouse.
  • Board Meeting – Tuesday, September 28, 2010 at the BRPA Pool.


The meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Paul Behrends