Bay Ridge Our Community
How we drive, ride & walk on our streets is serious business.
We’ve had some really alarming accidents over the last few years. With more drivers, pedestrians & athletes using our roads—we’ve seen a significant spike in accidents and “close calls”. Yikes.
To that end, a few inspired BR residents got together and did something about it (thank you!). Below, we have some official “Rules of the Road” for all of us to reference. Now it’s all rounded up here—legal-style:
Rules for the Safe Use of Bay Ridge Streets
The Bay Ridge Civic Association wants to encourage all residents to obey the rules of the road while on our roadways. Whether you are driving, biking, walking, or running, our streets are narrow with numerous blind spots and driveway entrances. Their safe use is the individual responsibility of each resident.
Obey The Posted Speed Limit. (TR §21-801.1(c)) The speed limit in Bay Ridge is 25 MPH. Please pay strict attention to this, especially on Farragut Rd.
Exercise Caution Around Pedestrians and Children. (TR §21-504)
Allow At Least 3 Feet When Passing Bicyclists. (TR §21-1209(a)(2))
When Turning Right, Your Vehicle Must Be Clear of Bicyclists.(TR§21-303(c)) Do not pass a cyclist and turn right immediately afterwards. Bicycles cannot stop quickly.
Use Turn Signals. (TR §21-605) Let others on the road know your intentions.
Use Of Earbuds And Handheld Telephones And Texting While Driving Are Prohibited. (TR §21-1120, §21-1124.1, §21-1124.2) Distracted driving is dangerous!
Ride With Traffic On The Right Hand Side Of The Road. (TR §21-1205) Ride as far to the right as is practicable and safe.
Ride 2 Abreast Only And Single File To Allow Cars To Pass. (TR §21-1205(b))
Use Hand Signals. (TR §21-605) Let others know your intentions.
Everyone Under The Age of 16 Must Wear A Helmet. (TR §21-1207.1) It’s the law!
Walk And Run On The Left Edge Of The Road Facing Traffic. (TR §21-506(b)) Pedestrians wearing earbuds must walk or run facing traffic to stay safe! If you cannot hear, you must be able to see vehicles approaching.
Dogs Must Be On Leash And Under Control. (A.A. Code §12-4-903, §12-4-905) Prevent accidents by shortening your leash (especially reel type leashes) and moving your dog off the roadway and to your left when bicyclists approach.