Bay Ridge Our Community
BRPA Board Meeting October 20, 2015 Summary Minutes
BRPA Board Meeting 10/20/15
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Kurt Karsten, Jay Green, Renee Rubin, Tom Osborn, Jocelyn William, Steve O’Hare, Mary Snowden, Kathleen Randolph, Parker Jones, Bill Thomas, Tim Jaeger
Meeting called to order at 7:45pm. A quorum was present
Old and New Business:
- Turkey Trot: (update given by Jocelyn Williams on behalf of Lee Shackelford) Race will provide long sleeve shirts to all participants. Registration fees below. Race Packet pick up and check-in will take place at the pool on Wednesday, Nov 25th from 6-8pm. T3 will provide the On-line registration, all equipment, and will help with timing. QUESTION TO BE ANSWERED: Is T3 providing limited marketing?
Recycled bags will be provided in packets. Race bibs ordered. “Racemine” is the website registration and they do charge a convenience fee. Prizes will be awarded.
Racing fees:
$30 adult registration before Nov 11 (tshirt included)
$25 kids registration before Nov 11 (tshirt included)
$20 adult registration after Nov 11 (NO SHIRT)
$15 kids registration after Nov 11 (NO SHIRT)
$15 Non-runners Shirt Only
Winter boat and storage:
- One boat registered and is not in the lot yet and we have 2 boats and a trailer in the lot
- Kurt will check with Mike from the Marina to determine who’s boat and trailer is in the lot
- Kayak rack: will not be moved, we will be keeping it where it is
Tom Osborn motioned to pay R&K Landscaping their proposed price of $400.00 to line the kayak rack with landscape fabric and gravel to prevent any grass growth. Mary Snowdon seconds the motion. Passed unanimously. Jay will notify R&K of the decision.
- Lifeline 100 bike ride-successful event
2016 Spring Fundraiser Plans
- May 14, 2016 is the tentative upcoming date for the fundraiser
- One fundraiser event this year besides Turkey Trot; the Board is inclined to have it in the Spring instead of the Fall.
- A committee will be established for this Fundraiser.
Board Elections
- Term members expiring: Jay (will continue); Steve (will continue); Parker Jones-would like to decline from the Board (would rather work a committee), Kathleen Randolph- declined, Lee Shackelford-declined
- Nominating committee: Tim Jaeger, Renee Rubin, Steve O’Hare (Chairman) and Parker Jones
- Recruit at least 1 Charter Member and 2 other positions
- Request for a Charter Member list- Jay will provide a list of known charter members
- Report from Committee due 10/29/15 in order to get into the November Newsletter
Motion by Tom to extend our Nominating Committee Report for up to one month; seconded by Parker; passed unanimously.
Annapolis Cove Voting Issues
Motion for the Pool Board to recommend to the general membership that the bylaws be amended to allow up to no more than 3 members of the Pool Association who reside in Annapolis Cove be allowed to serve as full voting member of the Pool Board.
Mary Snowdon motioned, Parker Jones second the motion, and the Motion passed unanimously. Kurt will be responsible for drafting the motion and having it published to the membership.
Committee Reorganization-will be readdress at the next meeting
Treasurer Updates:
Budget meeting next Tuesday, October 27th – Budget Committee: Kurt Karsten, Renee Rubin, Tim Jaeger, Bill Thomas, Tom Osborn.
- All are expected to show for this meeting
- Draft budget will be sent out by Jay by Friday, Oct 23rd
Maintenance Report: 2016 Capital Acquisitions
- New pool cover has been ordered; they were on site on 10/20/15 taking measurements. The expense should come out of 2015 budget
- Deck repairs- Jay and Mickey inspected one of the deck frames where a collapse had occurred. The frame is in decent shape but the Trex cover boards were not. Jay recommends installing new Azek decking over the existing pressure treated frames where possible; repairing frames where necessary. Jay’s rough estimate was $1,000 per section, with 19 sections to be done. The Board discussed repairing a few sections a year to spread the cost out over time and try using volunteer labor to replace decking but purchase the materials.
Motion to budget for replacement of 6 sections of decking in 2016 at $1000 per section. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Fence Replacement –Bill Thomas will provide us with some fence proposals and information on fencing companies for replacing the perimeter fence along the south and east perimeters, including the two through gates and the short section along the west side to the building. Jay will put a placeholder amount in the budget for 2016 in the amount of $17,000.00 for fence and gate replacement.
Landscaping – will revisit at the next meeting and Jay will provide more information on the current landscaping proposal.
Tiki Bar– Jay will put a placeholder in the 2016 budget for $1000 in materials cost; Kurt will organize volunteer labor and donations for additional materials. Location will be down by the shrubs on the NE corner along Herndon Ave. near the bay.
Additional furniture- Jay will put a placeholder in the 2016 Capital budget fopr furniture replacement to include $3000 for Adirondack Chairs to go on the slope on the bay side of the pool, and for replacing lounge chairs – Jocelyn/Mary will find out the cost of each chair.
Mary Snowdon motioned to remove the 15 BRCA “rescued” padded chairs from the pool rental closet at Cheryl Lytle’s request, as they have not been used in years and they are taking up valuable space. Renee Rubin seconded the motion; passed unanimously. Cheryl Lytle will offer them on Craigslist for free.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40pm