BRPA Board Meeting September 25, 2015 Summary Minutes

BRPA Board Meeting                                                                               09/22/15                  7:30pm

Meeting Minutes                                                                                         

Members Present: Kurt Karsten, Jay Green, Renee Rubin, Lee Shackelford, Tom Osborn, Jocelyn William, Steve O’Hare

Meeting called to order at 7:40pm. A quorum was present

Aquatics director & Pool Management Co Updates:

  • Pool closed, DRD put the cover on 9/21/15.
  • All appliances off along with the breakers
  • Furniture stacked in bathrooms
  • All essential pool clean-up completed.
  • Pool dumpster emptying to be changed to once every two weeks, from current each week.
  • Phone service to be inactivated on Oct 1, 2015

Old and New Business:

  • Luau results:  Thank you to all those who volunteered their time to make this event a success! 160-170 attendees. Total profit of about $705. Discussion ensued about whether the end of the year is the appropriate time to have the pool luau.  Will review at another meeting in the future.
  • Turkey trot: Lee will be checking in with T3, working on T-shirts styles, Jocelyn W will post Turkey Trot date to AC Newsletter and all communication.
  • Winter Boat Trailer Registration process:  require MD boat license, form created by Jay.  Cost for storage $50 per mo.  April 30, 2016 boats must be moved and out of the parking lot.  Must be enforced through towing.  Bill Thomas point of contact for all boat storage.
  • Fall pool event schedule:-October 18th bike race—send reminders out to get volunteers to help with the BR rest stop at the pool, will need to move furniture prior to the event so that racers can access bathrooms

    -Board to go over preliminary officer voting at the October meeting.

    -Budget Committee Meeting Tuesday October 27th

    -November Board will vote on officers

-Send out reminder to Board members about meetings being on the 2nd Tuesday of every month except October and there will be no meeting in December. Upcoming meeting dates: Oct 20th, Nov 10th and Jan 12th

-May 14th is the date for 2016 Pool fundraiser party. Will

go back to the group from “Down by the Bay” and ask if anyone would like to volunteer for the party committee.

  • DRD review:  we have a 2 year contract which includes 2016.

Pool Aquatics Manager-feedback from Board was that this is an essential position that should be continued for next year.  Akshay exhibited excellent communication and coordination with the guards. Paola—Board verbalized happiness with her job performance and would highly recommend her for next season.  Board also collectively felt that this seasons guards were effective in caring out their job responsibilities.

  • End of the year Pool Survey to be sent out to all members of the pool. Jocelyn volunteered to get this out to the patrons.
  • Would the Board consider an AC voting member(s)?  Has to be approved by 2 open meetings. Will need a change to the bylaws.  All members present felt a change should be made.

2016 Budget:

  • Draft budget will be sent out by Jay before the October meeting.
  • Budget committee established and meeting planned for Oct 27th-Jay, Kurt, Tom O and open this up to the others.
  • 2015 Pool Membership Update-revenue was exactly what was in the budget, AC was above budget, Swim team was above, BR slightly below budget.

Maintenance Report:  Deck repairs need to be taking care of before next season.  Jay will allow for 3 repairs in the budget. Paint the steps. New toilet seats in restrooms.  Propane feed lines need to be replace and Jay will need some help.  Portions of the ceiling beneath the party room deck  are in need of Azek replacement.  Look into refinish party room floors.  Are floors salvageable? Screening? Will ask Larry Beers to give us a quote. Staining the pergola, new sunscreen—will outsource this project. Will ask Ron Bontempo from Annapolis Painting to give us a quote. Iron railings will need to be replaced but not this year. Drinking fountains need to be put away along with foot wash off for winter-Jay will complete this.

Will winterize pool after October 18th

Long Range Planning Update:

  • Reorder Pool Furniture: Will reorder furniture from EFT (Jocelyn will work on this from company in Florida): 5 lounge chairs, will get a quote from them on pergola sunscreen, and other orders to be reported back to Board.  Will we be ordering other furniture as discussed at previous meetings? Umbrellas, along with stands, 2 chairs, and 3 lounge chairs
  • Fence:  no one wants the view obstructed by a fence. We need to find a responsive fence company that will provide us with some options.  Kurt suggested that possibly moving the fence down the hill a ways could preserve the view.  Jocelyn volunteered to get more information from other fence contractors.
  • New cover for pool: $11,500Motion to approve replacing cover and the purchase of a pool cover.  All members present approved.
  • Landscaping billing.  Looking at quotes for tree trims and cut down (3 trees) Gary LaDar, Tree and Landscape business in AC.  We are looking for cheaper quotes and a discussion about whether the trees should remain ensued.  The group felt that with some good clean up of the vines that perhaps the trees should remain.  Jay will get back to the group with a landscaping quote.Motion to spend landscaping money for trees/vine clean up instead of removal.  All members present approved. 
  • Kayak Rack by the pool is becoming cumbersome for landscapers. Purposed to move the rack, remove tree stump, and put in landscape fabric on rack.  Landscape will charge us $400.  Board members went out to site and discussion will resume over email or at next meeting.Motion to move the kayak rack.  Will readdress this vote via email.
  • Reorganize Board committees.  Is there a way to reorganize the committees to get more involvement?  Do we need to create a framework of mandatory participation?  Break down Board into subcommittees. Jocelyn will resend the list of committees and Kurt will readdress this at the October meeting.  Renee will add to the agenda for the October meeting.
  • Gate Control Policies/membership cards: Kurt will meet with Pool Managers (Akshay and Paola) about gate control issues.  Do we have an actual issue?
  • Guest policy results: Bruce R will send a report on this and the outstanding fees.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm

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