Bay Ridge Our Community
We need a theme song.
Can you feel the energy? Look at all these awesome Bay Ridgers getting involved to help save me–and give my 30 new trees a fresh start! I mean, seriously. This image needs a theme song. Hooray to all you green-spirited folks of all ages!
To help jump-start things, I’m hosting a 2-day party! I know you guys are super busy, I see you whizzing by many times a day to take care of important things. So, we’ve made this really easy! Check it out below.
Saturday, Oct 24: 9am – noon!
This is the FMC volunteer day #2. We held the first one last weekend on 10/17 & had nine volunteers show up. Thank you to Mike Matton, Greg Kenefick, Bill Cable, Mike Foley (FMC Coordinator of Invasive Species and Debris Removal), Kristina Foley, John and Meriel Steines, Dale Hutchins (FMC Coordinator of Planting) and Rosie Miller (FMC Coordinator of Records) for posting!
This group managed to install the rest of the stakes around our new trees, and do intensive work to install trunk protectors & deer resistant netting around most of the trees (that had already been munched a god bit in the 18 hours before we got the netting up!). The trees were also watered. The remaining fence that was established on our easement was taken down and placed in the dumpster.
So! This Saturday–we need a mighty crew. Really, we do. We need more folks this weekend. See, the Grading Permit BRCA obtained from AA County on February 26, 2015 for the North Side of Farragut bordering Annapolis Cove requires that BRCA remove the concentrated woody piles of debris. This is why FMC called for muscles, wheel barrows, chain saws, pick-up trucks, carts, etc. Let’s tackle this debris & toss it in the dumpster!
There are still opportunities for invasive species removal in this area. It cannot be part of Adopt-a-Plot until it is in better shape.
I know we’ll see a lot of you. It should be a glorious fall day and this is a glorious way to work alongside your neighbors doing something awesome–even just for an hour–whatever time you can spare!
Sunday, Oct 25: 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Adopt-a-Plot Woods Warriors: Training Day! The first training was awesome. (See pic above and below!) So, for those of you who have adopted a plot & missed the first training the other week–come join us this Sunday! We had a great turn out, shared some great information–and can I tell you? I seriously ALREADY feel better! The few invasive vines that were clipped as a demo already have allowed me to breathe… Ahhhh.
We shall meet at the BRPA parking lot @ 3. It’s short & sweet—there’s some very interesting training with visuals about what to clip, what it looks like, what to wear–then we walk over to the woods near CBF for a little “in the field” demonstration.
See you there. And THANK YOU!