Category News

Bay Ridge Resident Profile: Ed Santelmann

by Sydney Petty Friendly, charming and funny, and seemingly eternally young and energetic, Ed Santelmann is a beloved familiar face to all on Hull Ave. and to many in Bay Ridge, because, like so many Bay Ridge residents, he is…

BRCA Board Elections are Monday 4/14

Bay Ridge Community– Below, please find the slate for Monday night’s Board vote at the April 14th General Meeting starting at 8PM. This slate has been created by the Nominating Committee. You will be voting for 5 new members. Head…

The search is on: need a BR Big Boss!

We’re in need of a responsible self starter and multi-tasker to step up and serve as CHAIRMAN of the BRCA 4th of July Celebration. Will handle overall administrative responsibilities for the event. Must be a good delegater. Chairman serves as…

Dumpster Days 5/30 – 5/31

The Bay Ridge Dumpsters will be here in time for early 2014 summer cleaning. Dumpsters will be available from 12 noon on Friday,  May  30th, until 1:00PM  on Saturday, May  31st – a short window to dispose  of  your  unwanted  junk, yard wastes, scrap metal and  garbage! Containers will be located in the marina parking lot, 80 East Lake. Please do not overload the containers above the rim or place material so the doors…

Community insurance discussion

A resident recently asked a good question about insurance and we’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue: “We recently changed homeowner’s insurance companies and our new company wants to raise our rates because Bay Ridge does not have…

Security News – BR Burglaries

There have been some alarming burglaries recently in our community. Our law enforcement has been hard at work–but we’re not in the clear yet. Read below to review the current status and to see what you can do to stay…

Welcome & Important Announcements

Come meet the new Bay Ridge site, we’re thrilled you’re here! Below lists a few important announcements and brief orientation to get you settled. Design We worked to design an online destination that reflected Bay Ridge’s true essence as a…

Bay Ridge Resident Profile: Mary Ann Wilson

by Sydney Petty A Well-Traveled Life Bay Ridgers who treasure our annual Fourth of July parade will be interested to learn that Mary Ann Wilson of Decatur Ave., along with her friend, former Bay Ridger Teddy Mayberry, fronted the very…